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Selectmen's Minutes 11/18/2015

Minutes of Meeting – November 18, 2015; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Warren Archey; Ken Fowler.

EL wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving holiday.

MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to accept the Minutes of October 28 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum: None.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  a 14-day temporary banner to Essencials Spa for 12/8-22; permission to sell Christmas trees from 11/24-12/25 from 9am-9pm to Phil Rennie, 969 East Street.  5/0 vote.  KF had asked that a Hold be placed on the request for the 2016 craft fairs in Lilac Park.  He stated that it is the sponsors responsibility to post temporary No Parking signs along Sunset Street.  In addition, he stated that the poles to hang banners from continue to be an issue, and that other options are being looked at.  MOTION by KF, seconded by CG to approve the craft fairs in Lilac Park:  Church on the Hill 7/30-31 and Lenox Youth Basketball 8/12-14.  5/0 vote.

FY16 Tax Classification Public Hearing:  The Board of Assessors met with the Board to hold the annual tax classification hearing.  Clerk CG read the hearing notice as it appeared in the newspaper.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  Chairman Wayne Lemanski presented the Board with statistics as to new growth, values, rates, tax bills, etc.  He stated that the Board, once again, is recommending a split tax rate.  The TM then went through various documents included in their meeting packet.  After a brief discussion, MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to adopt a residential factor of 0.957 for the purposes of determining the Fiscal 2016 tax rate.  5/0 vote.

Town Manager Report:  The TM presented the name of Corey Demary for appointment as a Reserve Police Officer.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to ratify the appointment of Corey Demary as a Reserve Police Officer.  5/0 vote.  

Neal Carpenter, Chairman of the ConCom, gave an update on the Pittsfield airport beacon located on Yokun Seat, Lenox Mountain.  He stated that on 4/14 the ConCom issued a Determination of Applicability to install a new beacon and wiring on Yokun Ridge.  No Notice of Intent was required based on the proposed project.  BNR personnel, walking the trails months later, noticed quite a mess was made to the area without any NOI being issued.  Based on the actual project, an NOI should have been requested, which they have now done.  ConCom is expecting to see a new plan at their 12/3 meeting.  Neal stated that the area appears stable, and should be fine over the winter, with work starting up again in the spring.  The most serious damage is to Audubon property.

Gwen Miller came before the Board to give them an update on the hardy kiwi project in Kennedy Park.  She stated that bids came in higher than expected, with the low bid coming in at $100,000. Jess Toro from Native Habitat Restoration LLC explained that the work will be done in two phases.  The first phase will be the actual cutting of the kiwi.  This will take 2-3 weeks at a cost of approximately $25,000.  The second phase will be the use of herbicides.  Wetland approved chemicals will be used, and further information as to the exact herbicides to be used will be received prior to that work occurring next year.  Several options were discussed, including allowing Fish and Wildlife to begin removal using their $25,000 commitment to the Town after a supplemental appropriation at the next Annual Town Meeting.  Audubon is currently offering in-kind services as there is much hardy kiwi on their property that needs removal as well.  A discussion needs to take place as to funding from them.  It was also mentioned that volunteers would be a great help.

Shared Services Report:  The first meeting of the Administrative Review Committee will be on 11/23.  EL, KF and the TM will be in attendance, along with counterparts from Lee and Stockbridge.  The TM then thanked Nick and Gary Pignatelli for the nice job they did in painting various areas of the Town Hall.

Laurie Klevos and Lindsey Schmid appeared before the Board to make a formal marketing proposal to them.  The BVB is requesting $26,000 from the economic development advertising budget line item.  They explained that spending is up 5.3% with 40%, or $170M, of that spending occurring in Lenox; hotel occupancy is up 10%.  Lindsey went on to explain that she is recommending utilizing digital retargeting – or a “following you” tracking system of your activity.  She hopes to be able to get other towns within the county to be part of this plan.  DR stated that the marketing is obviously working, and that you need to spend money to make money.

Amy Lefave appeared before the Board to update them on current activities at the Library.  She stated that employee training is taking place; there will be no gingerbread competition, but that a pajama night for 12/11 is being planned.  She asked anyone with photos relating to Lenox beginning around 1930 to current times bring them in for scanning and inclusion in the 250th anniversary book.

Kim Flynn appeared before the Board to give them an update on the Concerts in the Park held this past summer.  She stated that it was a great season, and that this event has now occurred for the past 5-6 years.  It started with eight concerts, and has not been expanded to twelve.  She gave the Town a check in the amount of $500 from the profits they made.  She stated, however, that she will be seeking funding for the 2016 concerts.  The Board stated that they back the concert series, and appreciate receiving some funding back.  KF mentioned that CTSB may be promoting the concerts next year.  EL stated that he would like to see the merchants stay open on Wednesday evenings.  CG reminded the Board that the Town needs to be careful about putting events into a profit status; consistency is important.

Tennessee Pipeline:  CG stated that the Attorney Generals’ report was negative on the need for additional natural gas for Massachusetts.  Tennesee Pipeline will file formally with FERC on 11/20; the Town will then refile our documents.  We will be meeting with our attorney next week to review.

Rest of River:  There continues to be meetings, with many people unhappy with GE, EPA and DEP.  WA will continue to attend meetings and keep on top of this issue.
Solar Project:  KF stated that he is looking to Boston to raise the cap and increase the metering capacity.  The project with Lee continues to move forward.  The main issues slowing the project down are the capping of the landfill and abutters.

BOS Reports:  CG reminded everyone to subscribe to the CODE RED program.  He then stated that we received notice that the Town will receive a 50.1% match on our Community Preservation funds.  There was a meeting earlier in the month with Stuart Saginor from the Community Preservation Coalition, with a lot of information being discussed.  KF stated that water bills are due 12/7; Claudine Joyner stepped down as an election worker; the Environmental Committee is moving forward with a single use plastic bag poly-styreen reduction initiative.  EL stated that the DPW projects are finally coming to an end, and that the Town looks great.

By roll call, CG, EL, DR, KF and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 9:25pm to discuss strategy with respect to potential litigation, as well as for collective bargaining with police, fire and public works.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen