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Selectmen's Minutes 09/02/2015
Minutes of Meeting – September 9, 2015; meeting called to order at 6:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; Warren Archey; Ken Fowler.

The Town Manager (TM) reported on the expiration of the Town's electric aggregation agreement with Hampshire Power. The contract extension would involve a 90% green product at 10.4 cents per kilowatt hour.

MOTION by CG, seconded by WA to approve the municipal aggregation agreement as presented by the TM.  5/0 vote.

EL and CG described a problem with the Undermountain Farm agreement between the Sprague family, Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) and the Town. A disagreement has emerged between the parties over whether public access rights to two proposed trails would be owned by the Town or BNRC.

The TM reported on his conversations with Town Counsel regarding the legal procedures in advance of the September 21 Special Town Meeting. Given that the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) has already voted in favor of the Selectmen's application, any changes at this point would require CPC to modify its vote. All of the legal requirements have already been met in order to move forward with the Selectmen's proposal. Discussion of various options ensued.

Mr. Narain Schroeder, representing BNRC, spoke about securing public access through a proposed Conservation Restriction (CR) on the 83 acre farm parcel, which he favored over the Town owning easements. The Board and Mr. Schroeder discussed the nuances of the CR language. The process and need for a CPC meeting prior to the Special Town Meeting was also discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:48pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Christopher J. Ketchen                                         Clerk
                   Town Manager                                           Board of Selectmen