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Selectmen's Minutes 07/22/2015

Minutes of Meeting – July 22, 2015; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Ken Fowler; Dave Roche; Warren Archey.

EL announced that there is a vacancy on the Planning Board and that anyone interested in serving should submit a letter of interest to the Board.  He also reminded everyone that the new parking regulations are now in effect, and that parking tickets will be issued beginning August 3.  Finally, he mentioned that with regard to underground utilities, other than our sewer and water, the Town has no authority.  The specific utility companies are in control of how to install their pipes/lines.
MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of July 8 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.
Consent Agenda:  DR asked that a Hold be placed on the door-to-door solicitation request.  MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Grant five, one-day W&M licenses to Ventfort Hall for Thursday evenings during July and August from 7-10pm; a one-day A/A license to Mezze Catering for 9/19 from 11pm-1am at The Mount, Carriage Barn; permission for the BUTI 5K race to utilize town roads for their race on Sunday, July 26; permission for a temporary banner over the Welles Gallery from 8/1-13.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by KF, seconded by CG to deny a request for door-to-door solicitation from Andrew Scheribel from Southwestern Advantage to sell educational materials.  5/0 vote. 

The TM informed the Board of the following retirements effective in January 2016:  Rick Fuore, Water Foreman; Ray Kirby, Cemetery Department; Marie Duby, Treasurer/Assistant Clerk.

Sharon Hawkes gave her library update of activities to the Board.  She stated that effective September 1, the Library will open earlier, at 10am.

Undermountain Farm:  The TM gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding a conservation restriction to be purchased for a portion of the Undermountain Farm property utilizing CPC funds.  A Special Town Meeting will be scheduled, possibly on Monday, September 14, to bring this before the voters.  The Board held a brief discussion regarding the proposal.  CG suggested making this presentation before the Land Management Committee.  EL stressed that this proposal is not the same one that was submitted to the CPC Committee last year.  CG stated that the Open Space Plan was not approved at that time, but it has since received approval.  MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to file an application with the CPC Committee, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen, for $250,000 to purchase 63 acres of land and easements at Undermountain Farm.  5/0 vote.

Tennessee Pipeline:  The preferred route has not changed; however, the proposed capacity has been reduced.

Rest of River:  WA stated that he has concerns about trucks carrying the removed PCB’s traveling over roads in Lenox Dale and Lenox, and he would like to know each members thoughts.  He feels that perhaps there are other options available for the removal of the PCB’s such as what is being tried in Great Barrington.

Solar Project:  The TM attended a meeting at the landfill belonging to the former Lee mills.  The new owners of the land are expected to have a draft agreement to Lee and Lenox shortly.  Negotiations for the Lenox landfill are stalled temporarily due to the passing of one of the Peters Trustees.

Economic Development:  EL suggested that some of the landlords in Town should come in for an informal meeting some morning to discuss economic development.  It was mentioned that a How To Book is being worked on by the Land Use Department, and is a priority.

BOS Reports:  CG stated that the beach house renovation job process continues.  KF reminded everyone that real estate taxes are due August 3.  He also mentioned that the Environmental Committee continues to work on the Styrofoam and plastic bag ban, and plan to have something ready for the May 2016 ATM.  EL stated that the Town just received bids for sidewalk work, and that they were quite high and need to be reviewed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen