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Selectmen's Minutes 07/08/2015

Minutes of Meeting – July 8, 2015; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Ken Fowler; Dave Roche; Warren Archey.

EL reminded businesses that they need to renew their sandwich board signs on an annual basis.  He then announced that there is a vacancy on the Planning Board and that anyone interested in serving should submit a letter of interest to the Board.  Finally, he reminded everyone that the new parking regulations go into effect on June 15, and that the parking lot to the rear of the bank is now lit.
MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to accept the Minutes of June 10 (4/0 vote with WA abstaining) and 24 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Allison Sneider asked if there was a chance that the overhead wires on the lower end of Yokun Street could be buried as part of the sewer project.  EL stated that a call would be placed to National Grid.
Consent Agenda:  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Appoint Mike Cooney to replace Jim Sorrentino on the Community Center Board; appoint Andrea Goodman, Beth Gamble, Barbara Fabiani, Phyllis Hofman and Joanne Deutch to the Cultural Council; grant a one-day W&M license to Donovan Motorcar for 7/18 from 2-5pm; grant a one-day W&M license to Ventfort Hall for 7/29 from 5pm-midnight; grant two, one-day W&M licenses to St. Ann Church for 7/10 from 6:30-8:30pm and 7/11 from 11am-10pm; grant permission to the Morris Elementary School PTO to use Lilac Park for the Kids Park at Apple Squeeze on 9/26; award a milling, reclaiming and paving bid to LB Corp. at a cost of $1,200,728.60 (Main Street, Undermountain Road and Housatonic Street from Church to Route 7/20). (DPW Superintendent Sean VanDeusen spoke briefly about this bid); grant an Entertainment and Innholders license to Cranwell Resort; grant an Innholders license to No Place Like House, Inc., d/b/a Brook Farm Inn; grant permission to the Josh Billings Runaground to utilize Town roads for their event on 9/20; grant permission for the Church on the Hill to utilize the front lawn of The Academy for their annual auction on 7/25 from 11am-2:30pm.  5/0 vote.

The TM informed the Board that the Town received a grant in the amount of $144,590 from the Department of Energy Resources for the following projects at Morris School:  Air handler controls upgrade and energy management system mechanicals upgrade.  This was the full amount requested.

Non-Profit/PILOT:  The Board agreed that the status quo is fine, and that the Board of Assessors is keeping track of these agreements.

Tennessee Pipeline:  FERC has published a Notice of Intent (NOI) regarding the Northeast Direct pipeline proposal.  The TM will attend the next BRPC working group meeting scheduled for 7/9.  Comments on the NOI are due on 8/31, with a local scoping session scheduled for 7/28 at 7pm at Taconic High School in Pittsfield.

Rest of River:  WA stated that he will try to contact Tim Grey for an update.

Solar Project:  KF stated that all abutters have acknowledged receipt of the Town’s letter offering to acquire their property for solar development.  The TM is working with Special Counsel Jeff Grandchamp to facilitate conveyance of the property.  This will require action at a Town Meeting.  CG stated that as for the recent articles regarding metering caps, it should not be a problem for this project.

Economic Development:  Elm Court was issued a special permit by the ZBA, and a major reinvestment at Cranwell will be taking place shortly once the sale of that property is final.  DOR reported that the meals and lodging taxes for the 4th quarter are similar to last years’ total.  DR stated that facilities such as Elm Court and Canyon Ranch bring customers into Town.  He went on to state that it is important for us to encourage the various cultural venues to stay in Town.  CG stated that he would like to understand revenue streaming better.  KF stated that Lenox is going to be a growth area, and we need to make sure that we are ready for it.  EL stated that the Town needs to press forward, and that we need to look at our local businesses as well.  He suggested that they be invited in to a future meeting to discuss economic development issues.  KF suggested that the Board receive a report from the Chamber of Commerce every so often also.

BOS Reports:  DR stated that in light of the recent high water pressure problem at a household in Town, the Town should place a flyer into the water bills reminding people to have a pressure reducing valve installed.  He also stated that while the Town has plenty of water, he asked that people utilize it for drinking and bathing, and not waste it washing vehicles and watering lawns.  CG stated that the Town is moving forward with renovations at the beach building.  He also stated that he is continuing to try to set up a meeting with Stuart Saginor to discuss Community Preservation.  He stated that recreation proposals are now eligible for funding.  KF stated that the Environmental Committee is proceeding with the green hospitality initiative, the food waste program, and continue to work on a plastic bag and Styrofoam ban to be presented at the ATM in May 2016.  EL congratulated Bill Thornton on his retirement as the building inspector, and thanked him for his years of service to the Town.  He then stated that he would like to mention that the Town has reached a resolution regarding the Undermountain farm property.  He does not want to discuss it at this meeting since it is not on the agenda, but will plan to have a PowerPoint presentation at the July 22 Selectmen’s meeting.  He did state that the agreement fits into the Town’s long-term plans for open space and the need to link spaces together.  The Board concurred that the Town is much better off with this agreement, and that they will seek to utilize CPC funding.  This request will be presented to the Town at an upcoming Special Town Meeting scheduled for the end of August/early September.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen