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Selectmen's Minutes 05/27/2015
Minutes of Meeting – May 27, 2015; The Board convened at 6:33pm in the backyard of the Lenox Community Center on Walker Street.  Present: Ed Lane; Channing Gibson, Ken Fowler; Dave Roche.  Absent: Warren Archey.  Also Present: Christopher Ketchen (TM); Sean VanDuesen (DPW Superintendent).

The Board looked at the location of proposed parking spaces presented by the TM.  The Board directed the TM to delineate spaces along the new retaining wall and to provide 15 spaces more or less in the current gravel parking area.  A new guard rail is also needed.  The Board left the Community Center at 6:44 pm to convene their regular meeting at Town Hall.

At 7:00pm, the Board continued with their regular meeting.  EL announced that businesses need to renew their sandwich board signs on an annual basis.  He then announced that there is a vacancy on the Planning Board and that anyone interested in serving should submit a letter of interest to the Board by June 4.  He then gave a brief report on the 6:30 site visit at the Community Center.

MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of May 13 as presented.  4/0 vote with WA abstaining.

Citizen’s Open Forum: Suzanne Pelton gave the Board a brief report on the Rhubarb Festival that was held over the past weekend.  She stated that it was a huge success, with 750 visitors.  She plans to hold the Rhubarb Festival again next year.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Grant a Common Victualler and Entertainment License for acoustic music, radio and poetry reading to Cut-Time Coffee; a sandwich board sign to Laurie Donovan Designs; a temporary sign to the Church on the Hill for one week prior to July 25/26 to advertise their craft show; appointment of Mark Smith as the Planning Board representative on the Historic District Commission; a sandwich board sign for the Lenox Library.  5/0 vote.  Following EL reading the dates of the various HHW collections which will be held in Lenox, MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to authorize the TM to sign a contract extension for HHW collection services.  5/0 vote.
Town Manager Report:  The TM stated that the office had received a late request for a sandwich board sign, but asked that they grant permission for a sandwich board sign to Scott Barrow.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to grant permission for a sandwich board sign to Scott Barrow.  5/0 vote.  He then presented Chief Clifford and Stephen Murray, a candidate for a position of Relief FF/EMT.  The Chief stated that we currently have 15 part-time FF/EMT, and that ten are needed to cover weekend shifts.  MOTION by CG, seconded by WA to ratify the appointment of Stephen Murray as a Relief FF/EMT.  5/0 vote.

Roche Reading Park Plan:  At the last BOS meeting, the Board discussed a proposed garden plan that has been offered from the Rutledge family for the Roche Reading Park.  DR stated that there will be plantings around the ramp, and three 5’ picnic tables and benches installed.  MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to approve of this request from the Lenox Library.  5/0 vote.  DR stated that volunteers will work with the DPW as far as moving the tables and benches for mowing, and on rubbish removal.

Sharon Hawkes then invited the Board to attend the 200th anniversary celebration of the court house building on May 30, and to take part in the silent art auction.

Concerts in the Park:  Kim Flynn came before the Board seeking permission to utilize Lilac Park on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm from June 17-September 2 to hold the Concerts in the Park series.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to grant permission to utilize Lilac Park as requested above.  4/0 vote with KF abstaining.  She went on to explain that funding is necessary to offset expenses associated with these concerts, and was hoping that the Town could support these concerts again this year.  She is seeking $1500 to cover costs associated with lighting and promotion.  As is the Boards’ policy, they will vote on this request at their next meeting.

Tennessee Pipeline:  EL, CG and the TM spoke with Special Counsel concerning actions taken by DPU.  CG explained that the New England Energy Solutions Consortium may not be allowed intervener status without utilizing Lenox’s name.  DPU is stating that unless they are affiliated with a town, they will not allow it.  He went on to state that Berkshire Gas has filed with DPU to have its relationship with the pipeline approved.  CG questioned if Lenox would want to participate in this hearing.  After some discussion, MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to have the Town of Lenox join the North East Energy Solutions Coalition so that we can be a full intervener in the Berkshire Gas case being reviewed by DPU currently or with FERC, for no fee.  5/0 vote.

Rest of River:  No update; waiting to hear back on our comments.
Solar:  Still going through process; discussions occurring regarding capping of the landfill.

BOS Reports:  WA stated that there will be a public meeting to unveil the Open Space Recreation Plan on 6/16 at 7pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.  He went on to explain that with this plan now completed, the Town can apply for grants for projects such as the Town beach or the Sprague property.  DR thanked all those participating in the Memorial Day activities.  KF stated that the Planning Board is working on amending the parking overlay by-law in order to bring it forward at an upcoming town meeting.  CG stated that work at the Community Center is coming along nicely.  EL stated that the large water leak was found and repaired.  He encouraged anyone receiving a larger than usual water bill to check their usage and their plumbing as the rates did not increase.  He mentioned that he would like to make the liaison appointments at the next Selectmen’s meeting.  Finally, he stated that while the agenda did state the Board would go into Executive Session, they decided not to.  He went on to explain that the topic to be discussed was the Tennessee Pipeline, but they would rather discuss this issue in open session, when appropriate, in order to be as transparent as possible.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen