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Selectmen's Minutes 04/15/2015

Minutes of Meeting – April 15, 2015; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Channing Gibson; Warren Archey; Ed Lane; Ken Fowler; Dave Roche.

CG announced that there are two vacancies on the BRTA Board, two vacancies on the Finance Committee and 2 Historic District Commission Alternate positions, and that anyone interested should contact our office.  He then announced that the Annual Town Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 7 at 7pm at the High School, followed by the Town Election on Monday, May 11.

MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to amend the April 1 Minutes by adding “the following assertions are inaccurate” just before the 1) under Citizen’s Open Forum.  4/0 vote with EL abstaining.  MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to accept the Minutes of April 1 as amended.  4/0 vote with EL abstaining.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by WA, seconded by EL to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  A One-Day W&M license to Michelle Apland/Flying Deer Nature Center for 4/24 from 6-8pm in the Community Center Ballroom; authorization to send a letter of intent to participate in the HHW collection program; appoint Ken Fowler as a full member of the Historic District Commission.  4/0 vote with KF abstaining.

Town Manager Report:  MOTION by KF, seconded by EL to approve a banner request from the Lenox Rhubarb Festival, to be hung across Main Street May 10-23, as well as various yard signs, subject to the approval of the TM.  5/0 vote.  EL mentioned that the poles are sagging and need to be repaired.
The TM reviewed the articles for the upcoming ATM, with CG determining who would be reading which motions at the meeting.

Librarian Sharon Hawkes gave her monthly update report to the Board, offering the results of a recent survey.  DR questioned if an earlier opening would draw a different group of people or simply the same patrons just arriving earlier.  She stated that she couldn’t pinpoint that based upon the results.  She did state, however, that 72% of the patrons are Lenox residents.  DR stated that perhaps the Town could pick up some of the cost should additional hours become a reality.

Tennessee Pipeline:  The TM stated that he has spoken with Attorney Kanoff regarding any recent development.  He would like to schedule a strategy session with the Board and DPW sometime in May to explore additional legal measures, if any, that might be taken to protect the Town.  At this point, however, he is recommending no action be taken.

Rest of River: No report.

Solar:  The TM, KF and CG explained that they will be meeting with Ameresco and Beth Greenblatt on 4/16 to begin negotiations on the landfill project.  In addition, the Town of Lee will be discussing a private development agreement, prompting us to include Article 23 on the upcoming ATM warrant.  He then went on to explain briefly why Article 23 was necessary – it authorizes the Selectmen and Town Manager to negotiate with a developer on other proposed sites should they become an option.
BOS Reports:  EL stated that the Main Street water line project has begun, and is expected to be complete around Memorial Day.  A top coat of blacktop will be installed, with the final paving occurring in the fall.  WA mentioned that many diseased/dying trees have been cut around town, and that the homeowner has the first option to obtain the wood.  DR recognized Amy Lefave for her 20 years at the Lenox Library.  KF stated that the two environmental by-law petition articles on the ATM warrant will now be tabled by the petitioner.  The Environmental Committee will move forward with revised by-laws for the 2016 ATM warrant.  He then mentioned that real estate taxes are due May 1, the last day to register to vote is April 17 and that dog licenses are due by May 15.  CG stated that the Open Space and Recreation Plan has cleared BRPC and has been sent back to the state for final approval.  Hopefully, we will have an approved, final document by this summer.

By roll call, CG, DR, KF, EL and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 7:42pm to discuss the Town’s strategy with respect to a wage claim involving a former Town employee, acquisition and disposition of real property (Undermountain Farm/Parsons Marsh) and negotiations with union and non-union personnel.  

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen