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Selectmen's Minutes 12/10/2014
Minutes of Meeting – December 10, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Dave Roche; Channing Gibson; Ken Fowler.  Absent:  Warren Archey.

CG announced that the Town is seeking a representative of the disabled commuter population to serve as a voting member on the advisory board of the Berkshire Regional Transit Authority for a term of one year.  This individual must be mobility impaired, have a family member who is mobility impaired, be a caretaker of a person who is mobility impaired or work for an organization that serves the needs of the physically disabled.  He also announced that there is an opening on the Community Center Board.  DR then mentioned several tax options available to senior citizens, and asked that the information be posted on the Town’s web site.

MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of November 12 as presented.  4/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Fran Sorrentino thanked those board members/TM for attending the Lenox Dale tree lighting ceremony.  Katie McNulty-Vaughn invited everyone to attend the annual meeting of the Lenox Land Trust on Monday, December 29 at 7pm at the Community Center.  Ralph Petillo from the Chamber stated that the Town looks wonderful, and invited everyone to attend the Chamber party on December 15.

Consent Agenda:  CG went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any item needed a Hold placed on it.  MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Approve annual license renewals as presented; Change of hours, allowing O’Brien’s Market to sell alcohol beginning at 10am on Sundays; ratification of appointment of Gwen Miller as Land Use Director/Town Planner.  4/0 vote.  

Town Manager Report:  The TM asked the Board for permission to apply for two DLTA state grants; one to provide technical, legal and administrative assistance as it pertains to the Rest of River issue, with the City of Pittsfield as the lead community, submitting on behalf of the governing Housatonic Rest of River Municipal Committee; a second one for collaborative veterans services.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to authorize the TM to make application to BRPC for 2015 DLTA state grants as presented.  4/0 vote.  

Library Director Sharon Hawkes appeared before the Board to give her monthly update on activities at the Library.  

Tennessee Pipeline:  CG stated that the pipeline route appears to be changing, and will not threaten the watershed lands.

Rest of River:  No updates.
Solar:  KF stated that four candidates submitted proposals in response to the RFP. All firms have extensive experience.  Within the next two weeks, the applications will be reviewed and ranked.

BOS Reports: DR stated that Santa will be at the VFW on December 13 from noon-2pm.  KF stated that the Environmental Committee will be reorganizing, and that there is currently a vacancy on the committee.  He is happy to hear that the Planning Board is working on a comprehensive parking plan.  EL stated that the CPC is brainstorming on the various projects anticipated to be received.  The CIC is also working on the proposed Town projects.  He stated that the work in the rear of the Community Center has stopped due to the inclement weather.  The project will start back up in the spring.  CG stated that there is a vacancy for a Town representative on the BRTA.  He noted that the Town will be submitting a CPC application for work at the beach and at the Academy Building.  CG stated that Boston University is trying to find other uses for their campus on West Street.  DR mentioned that the Board met with the School Committee on 12/1 to appoint someone to fill a vacancy on the School Committee.  Four qualified candidates emerged, with Neal Maxymillian being chosen.

By roll call, CG, EL, DR and KF voted to go into Executive Session at 7:45pm to discuss strategy with respect to potential litigation.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Administrative Services Director                       Board of Selectmen