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Selectmen's Minutes 09/17/2014

Minutes of Meeting – September 17, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Dave Roche; Warren Archey; Channing Gibson.  Absent:  Ken Fowler.

CG thanked Rep. Pignatelli and Senator Downing for their hard work and assistance with the Community Innovative Challenge Grant.

MOTION by DRL, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of September 3 and 10 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Planning Board Chairman Kameron Spaulding informed the Board that his board has completed a solar by-law which they would like to see added to the warrant for the May Annual Town Meeting.  This by-law will govern large scale, commercial projects only.

Consent Agenda:  CG went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any item needed a Hold placed on it.  MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: One-Day W&M request for the Lenox Dale Fire Company for Saturday, September 20 from 5-10pm at 75 Crystal Street; One-Day W&M request to Ventfort Hall for Saturday, September 27 from 7:30-9:30pm; One-Day W&M request for 9/20 from 2-4:30 at the Community Center; Farm-Winery License to Berkshire Winery, LLC, d/b/a Balderdash Cellars for Apple Squeeze on September 27 and 28; Farm-Winery License to Grove Street Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Hilltop Orchards for Apple Squeeze on September 27 and 28.  5/0 vote.

Town Manager Report:  The TM updated the Board on the outcome of the municipal electrical aggregation bid that was opened earlier today.  Information will be sent out to residents who may opt in or out of this program.  He would like to have a representative from Colonial Power attend the next BOS meeting to explain the program.  He also informed the Board that he will be appointing an OPEB Advisory Committee to provide guidance on the investment of the Town’s OPEB Trust.  He will be appointing residents with a finance background and who are not currently active on any demanding committees.

Apple Squeeze:  Ralph Petillo appeared before the Board, seeking permission to close to through vehicular traffic that portion of Church Street from the Hoadley Gallery (21 Church Street) to Housatonic Street on Saturday and Sunday, 9/27and 28 from 10am-5pm.  He then went through the updated list of vendors and activities for the event.  MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to approve the closing of that portion of Church Street from 21 Church Street to Housatonic Street, subject to a traffic safety plan approved by the Town Manager and Police Chief.  5/0 vote.

Auditorium Rental Policy:  The TM explained that it has been some time since the current policy has been reviewed, and with some renewed interest in using the auditorium, it is a good time to tweak it.  CG stated that he would not want to see alcohol served, and EL stated that he would like to see it reserved for local and non-profit groups.  After some discussion, it was agreed to think about some ideas and place this on the next BOS agenda.

Rest of River:  CG stated that the deadline for public comment has been extended until 10/27.  He also mentioned that there will be a public forum on 9/23 at the high school which EPA is hosting.  DR stated that he is quite concerned with the economic impact on all of Berkshire County, and especially Lenox.  WA suggested keeping the local boards as current as possible on this issue.  The TM will work on a draft of the Town’s comment for the Board’s review.

Solar Project:  KF stated that Lee and Lenox have received a $20,000 grant for technical assistance, and that there will be a meeting tomorrow night to go over the terms of a contract to hire Beth Greenblatt to help with the project.  KF suggested that the original solar vetting committee be contacted to determine if they wish to continue on during this project.
Tennessee Pipeline:  GC stated that Kinder-Morgan has filed a request with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for approval to move forward with the pipeline project.  There will be a meeting tomorrow at 6pm at BCC regarding this issue.  The Board agreed that they would like to hear the Governor’s thoughts, especially why he has pulled his support, and that we need to engage the federal delegation to ask Kinder-Morgan the tough questions.
BOS Reports:  EL stated that the lights will be installed in the bank parking lot tomorrow morning.  He also announced the two new hires at the DPW, Pat Reagan and Paul Vallee.  KF stated that the Environmental Committee toured the treatment plant, that water shut-offs are still occurring and that there continues to be a vacancy on the Environmental Committee so if anyone is interested they should submit a request to the Selectmen’s office.  CG mentioned that Matt Linnick has been working with Carl Pratt on the bike race.  He also mentioned that the basketball court project at the Community Center is moving forward, with substantial completion due early November, with final completion in the spring.  They are also working on getting an architectural study for developing the beach and making it more handicapped accessible.  WA thanked CG for representing the Town at the pipeline meeting held earlier in the day.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Administrative Services Director                       Board of Selectmen