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Selectmen's Minutes 08/06/2014

Minutes of Meeting – August 6, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ed Lane; Dave Roche; Warren Archey; Channing Gibson.  Absent:  Ken Fowler.

MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of July 23 as presented.  4/0 vote.

Consent Agenda:  CG went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any item needed a Hold placed on it.  MOTION by DR, seconded by WA to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Temporary banner at the library from 8/24-8/26, advertising their annual book sale; appointment of Thomas Delasco as the Alternate to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission; six, one-day W&M licenses for The Mount in The Stables on Fridays beginning on 8/8 and ending on 9/12.  4/0 vote.

Town Manager Report:  The TM updated the Board on the Elm Court project.  He stated that he met with the administrator from Stockbridge, and communicated some of our concerns.  He also attended the Stockbridge Board of Selectmen meeting on 8/4.  At that meeting, their board voted to continue this issue until their 9/8 meeting.  EL stated that until the company applies for any permit from Lenox, there is really nothing that we can do.  He then mentioned that new appointments need to be made to the Land Mgmt. Committee. At the first meeting, Kameron Spaulding was appointed chair.  In addition, he asked that Tim Flanagan be the rep. from the ConCom, replacing Neal Carpenter, and that Warren Archey be the Board’s representative, replacing John McNinch, to which the Board agreed.  They will have another meeting sometime in September to work on getting the Open Space Plan approved.

Berkshire Natural Resources Council submitted a request for a sign to be installed within the Richmond Mountain ROW, said sign to guide the public to the hiking trail.  MOTION by WA, seconded by DR to grant permission to BNRC to install said sign as requested.  4/0 vote.

Fire Chief Clifford appeared before the Board to update them on the Code Red emergency notification system.  He stated that approximately 3500 numbers are registered, and encouraged those not registered to please do so.  With a new upgrade, we now have unlimited use of the system.  In addition, he can now single out a street or neighborhood rather than notifying the entire town of events that may not affect them.

Rest of River: The TM stated that there isn’t much new.  He is suggesting that a working session be held sometime in late August. The 6-town committee will be meeting again on 8/13.  WA mentioned that it is important that the work be done in a sequence.

Solar Project:  The TM stated that the Town has jointly, with the Town of Lee, applied for an Owner’s Agent Technical Assistance grant in the amount of $20,000 from the Department of Environmental Resources.  If obtained, this grant will be used to pay an outside professional to assist with the preparation of bid documents, vetting solar developers and working with us to ensure the success of the solar projects.  CG stated that there is one problem.  Should the Town go forward, the 2012 ATM motion was very specific as to the company and financing.  A new vote would be necessary.

Tennessee Pipeline:  The TM informed the Board that he received a satellite map showing a deviation in the proposed route of the pipeline.  Kinder Morgan is requesting permission to survey Town property located north of the Arcadian Shop parking lot.  This map confirms that they want to use the AT&T right-of-way over Lenox Mountain, through the watershed and Kennedy Park.  He is recommending that the Board withhold granting survey permission until further details on the route are received.  EL asked why Kinder Morgan is being so vague.  WA asked if we had heard anything from Rep. Pignatelli or Senator Downing yet.  The Board unanimously agreed not to grant permission for additional survey work until additional information on this project is obtained.
BOS Reports:  WA brought up the extra work that the DPW is doing removing debris that washes down residents’ driveways.  He feels that the town should adopt a policy regarding this issue.  EL stated that if they are already in the area doing work, it isn’t a big deal to scoop the debris up.  DR stated that the Historical Commission has directed one walking tour around the downtown area, and that two more covering different areas in town are planned.  He stated that the DPW is doing a great job cleaning up from the numerous storms; the Town has incurred $450,000 in damages to date.  EL stated that the paving jobs are going along nicely.  CG stated that he sat in on interviews for the Youth Services Coordinator and that we should be making an offer soon.  By roll call, CG, EL, DR and WA voted to go into Executive Session at 8:05pm to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen