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Selectmen's Minutes 07/23/2014
Minutes of Meeting – July 23, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Dave Roche; Warren Archey; Channing Gibson.

CG announced that paving has begun in Lenox Dale and should be completed within the next two weeks.  He asked that anyone who may get contacted by Kinder-Morgan regarding the pipeline to please notify our office.  He welcomed those residents present to discuss the Elm Court project, but explained that no application has been submitted to any board, and that the Selectmen placed this item on the agenda to receive input prior to a meeting in Stockbridge next week.

MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes of July 9 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

Consent Agenda:  CG went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any item needed a Hold placed on it.  EL asked that a hold be placed on the Tub Parade requests.  MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  Change of Manager from Evan Hughes to Ronald Reda at The Frederick; permission to utilize our roads for the Josh Billings Runaground on 9/14; four, one-day W&M licenses to Ventfort Hall for 7/17, 7/24, 7/31 and 8/7 from 7-10pm; one-day W&M license to Lenox Youth Basketball for 8/9 from 3-7pm in Lilac Park; one-day W&M license to the Lenox VFW for 8/16 from 5-8pm at St. Ann Parish Center; one-day W&M license to Aimee Fasnacht, Franklin & Marshall College for 8/2 from 6-7:30pm in the Welles Gallery; appoint Sharon Hawkes to the Historical Commission.  5/0 vote.  After clarifying that there will be no conflict with the banner request for the Tub Parade, MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to grant permission to hold the Tub Parade on 9/13 at 1:30pm in the downtown; further, permission to hang a banner across Main Street from 9/1-13, assuming no other organization is requesting to hang a banner during this 2-week period.  5/0 vote.

Town Manager Report:  The TM stated that he has worked with the various boards and departments to revamp the Planner position, and that it will be advertised within the next week.  It will be a full-time, supervisory position.  He stated that we have begun the process of closing out the books, and that we are reconciled through June 30.  The Board stated that they are fine with the Management Goals/Objectives as presented.  He stated that we are answering questions from the Department of Environmental Protection regarding our conservation restriction on the watershed.  Town Counsel is leading the charge, and it is moving forward.

Sharon Hawkes came before the Board to give her monthly library report.  Activities include children’s summer reading programs, concerts, special events and lectures.

A group of concerned citizens from Old Stockbridge Road asked to meet with the Board concerning the proposed Elm Court Expansion Project.  CG stated that he would limit comment about the project as it impacts the neighborhood and Lenox only.  Katie McNulty-Vaughan, speaking on behalf of Kameron Spaulding, Chairman of the Planning Board, questioned when the permitting process will begin in Lenox on this 112-room resort with a 66 seat restaurant and a spa.  She referred to the current Special Permit that was granted in 2003 for the entrance area.  The TM stated that dialogue will begin as the process moves forward into Lenox.  Gregory Whitehead, President of Bishop Estates Association stated that the impact will be massive to Old Stockbridge Road; there are no shoulders, no sidewalks, blind spots, hills and that no heavy vehicular traffic is allowed.  Annie Selke stated that the beauty of the Berkshires is our brand, and we must not do projects that will take away from that.  She feels that the project is grossly overscaled.  Danielle Dyer stated that traffic around the monument is already a safety hazard; additional traffic would just exacerbate this.  CG stated that the Planning Board has concerns about the traffic, and would probably be looking to have an independent study done.  He went on to state that after hearing the various comments and concerns, he believes that no one is against the project; they are more concerned with traffic safety and the fact that this project is too large.  Carolyn Kirby questioned if they would be getting sewer and water from the Town.  In the past, there have been conservation requests.  With so many people showering, flushing toilets and doing laundry, what effect would this have on our water?  Attorney Nick Arienti and Brent White from White Engineering stated that this project has already received permission from the Stockbridge Conservation Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission.  They are looking at traffic studies, and will be presenting before the Planning Board.  The project will be before the Stockbridge Selectmen on August 4.  DR questioned if this traffic study will be unbiased, to which he was assured that it would be.  The TM stated that we would do a peer review, and that the Planning Board may request that the developer pay for a consultant to assist with their review.

Solar Project:  KF stated that we will be seeking approval from DEP to submit an application jointly with the Town of Lee.  CG stated that he would like to look into doing an environmental review of the landfill site ourselves.

Tennessee Pipeline:  The TM stated that there was a meeting with BRPC and eight other communities involved in this project.  No formal proposal has been presented, but we are aggressively seeking information.  He is expecting something in the early fall.  The Town will file for intervener status.  WA questioned if we heard back from our representatives, to which the TM stated not yet but he will look into it.  He suggested that we request of DEP an Environmental Impact Statement on the project.

Rest of River:  The TM stated that a formal request has been sent, requesting a deadline of October 27 for comments.  To date, the deadline has been extended until October 1.

BOS Reports:  WA would like to introduce the board members to Geographic Information Systems and how they work.  He feels that the Town could benefit greatly from their use.  EL stated that the DPW has begun paving, and will continue throughout the summer.  KF mentioned that there is an opening on the Environmental Committee, and that anyone interested in serving should submit a letter of interest.  He then reminded everyone to be careful of what you flush down the toilet.  Items that say they are flushable get caught in our machines and have to be manually removed.  CG stated that we are working with Foresight Engineers on the basketball court and play area behind the Community Center.  He stated that the date to accept applications for the Youth Services Coordinator position has closed.  It is hoped to have someone on board by early September.  He reminded everyone that there is a homebuyer’s grant program available with information located on our website.  Finally, he stated that our Housing Production Plan will be updated, beginning with the next Affordable Housing Committee meeting.

By roll call, CG, EL, DR, WA and KF voted to go into Executive Session at 8:35pm to discuss potential litigation and to consider the exchange, lease or value of real property, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen