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Selectmen's Minutes 07/09/2014

Minutes of Meeting – July 9, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Dave Roche; Warren Archey; Channing Gibson.

MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to accept the Executive Minutes of June 19 and Minutes of June 25 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Harvey Waller asked the Board for permission to hold the Coaching Weekend in October.  The Board suggested that he submit a request in writing for action at their July 23 meeting.  Maureen Gamelli then asked for permission to hold the Tub Parade, to which she was asked to submit a letter to the Board as well.

Consent Agenda:  CG went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any item needed a Hold placed on it.  DR asked that a hold be placed on the Colonial Carriage & Driving Society request.   MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:  grant permission to the Morris PTO to utilize Lilac Park for the Kids Park at Apple Squeeze on 9/27/14; approve a temporary banner to Munai Yoga located at Shakespeare & Co. until they can obtain permanent signage; consent to transfer of control resolution from Time Warner Cable to Comcast.  5/0 vote.  The Board then discussed the request for funding for the Tub Parade.  They are seeking $2500; however, the Board felt that $1500 was appropriate as that is what they received last year and what was budgeted for this year.  KF suggested that the Town cover the cost of police, estimated at $1162.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to authorize $1500 to the Colonial Carriage Society for the Tub Parade.  5/0 vote.

Town Manager Report:  MOTION by DR, seconded by WA to approve a one-day A/A license to Michael Mackey for Thursday, 7/10 from 12-4pm at St. Ann Parish Center.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to approve a one-day W&M license to Donovan Motorcar for Saturday, 7/19 from 2-7pm at their showroom located at 4 Holmes Road, contingent upon obtaining paperwork on a TIPS certified bartender.  5/0 vote.

Kevin Sprague came in and gave the Board an update on the Spring Google advertising campaign.  The Town approved $4700 for this campaign; not quite all of it has been spent.  This campaign covered April 1 – June 30.  There were 11,104 click throughs, with a cost of 29 cents per click.  The Board felt that this was a great way to advertise, and will consider renewing in the fall.

The TM gave a brief presentation on the Cycling Event held on June 14.  There were 200 riders in the main event, 40 in the children’s event with 60 parents present.  A group will be getting together to tweak the event for next year.  DR suggested that someone from retail be included in the group.

Tennessee Pipeline:  WA and the TM reworked a letter to be sent to Senator Downing and Representative Pignatelli, with a copy to the Governor, seeking their assistance in obtaining an analysis from the MA Division of Environmental Protection on the potential impact on the public water supply.  MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to approve sending this letter out as written.  5/0 vote.  CG mentioned that the Representatives from Richmond to Dracut recently met, and they will be issuing a statement at the end of the month.

Rest of River:  The TM stated that a six-town ROR letter has been sent out seeking an extension to the comment period.  He is suggesting that the Board send a similar letter.  MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to authorize a joint letter from the Board Chairman and the TM be sent, requesting an extension of the comment period on the Rest of River EPA proposal.  5/0 vote.  KF brought up the railhead and the amount of traffic it would create.

Management Goals and Objectives:  The TM went through his final Management Goals and Objectives for FY15.  With regard to communication, DR stated that residents continue to wonder what is happening with regard to damage from the recent rain storm.  He feels that the Board and the TM need to reach out more and communicate with the residents better.  KF mentioned an incident when trees came down during the winter and roads could not be plowed.  A meeting was held for those residents involved, and everyone had an opportunity to ask questions and hear the answers.  It worked very well.  CG stated that he would like to see more communication between the Town and the School.  It was suggested that the Chamber of Commerce also be brought into the loop.  The TM stated that he will be advertising soon for a Planner/Land Use Director.  KF suggested that the Chamber give a monthly report to the Board, similar to the report by the Library.

BOS Reports:  EL stated that the Town is working on damaged areas from the rain storm, but that it does not look like the Town is eligible for any state or federal funding.  KF mentioned that the Environmental Committee met to discuss the greening of the hospitality field.  They continue to keep an eye on Great Barrington’s plastic bag ban.  He then went through the various Town Hall announcements.  Finally, he mentioned the need to begin work again on the solar project, and that he would like to schedule a meeting regarding the dog park as soon as possible.  CG questioned if the Town should have an environmental analysis done of the landfill?  WA brought up EPA and the Rest of River documents, as well as the GIS mapping through Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.  DR asked if Sharon Hawkes could be appointed to the Historical Commission, but the Board suggested that it wait until the July 23 meeting so that it could be placed on the agenda.  CG stated that he met with Matt Linnick and that he would like to expand upon the Memorial Day events.  He also mentioned that the article in Business West on Lenox is now out.  Finally, he asked that the Board allow a group of concerned residents from Old Stockbridge Road to attend the July 23 meeting to discuss the Elm Court project.  He then asked for a status on the Open Space Plan, and when copies would be available.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen