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Selectmen's Minutes 04/30/2014
Minutes of Meeting – April 30, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

DR officially introduced the new town manager Chris Ketchen.

MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to accept the Minutes of April 16 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Kim Flynn and Frankie Mahoney appeared before the Board, seeking $1500-$2000 to assist with the Concerts in the Park series.  Kim explained that they currently have $3800 in expenses and $2500 in sponsorships.  Over the next few weeks, she will work to firm up any more sponsorships and will then have a better idea of how much funding may be needed.  The Board took the matter under advisement, and will vote at a future meeting.

Parking:  DR brought up the issue of parking in the downtown area, and the need to address the matter before the summer season begins.  He went on to say that last year the Board was approached by merchants over the limited number of parking spaces in the downtown area being utilized by employees and shop owners.  DR asked CK to do some research and see what he can come up with as a possible solution.  JM suggested that shop owners encourage their employees to not park on the street.

DPW Superintendent Sean Van Deusen came before the Board seeking authorization to award a bid to Weston and Sampson for engineering oversight on the Brunell Avenue Pump Station project.  MOTION by JM, seconded by KF to award a bid for engineering oversight on the Brunell Pump Station project to Weston and Sampson up to the amount of $215,800, contingent upon an affirmative vote at the upcoming Annual Town Meeting, and to authorize the TM to sign a contract for same.  5/0 vote.

The School Committee requested that a member of their board be allowed to participate remotely in school committee meetings due to a health issue that requires them to be in Boston often.  Per the Open Meeting Law guidelines, the Board of Selectmen may vote to allow remote participation under specific circumstances.  CK explained how it would work, and that if the Board wanted, he would draft a policy for their review and approval.  DR suggested that CK ask for input from other town boards.  Deborah Burke stated that there are many individuals who are out of town often, but may be interested in serving on a board or committee.  Remote participation would make that possible for them.

The Board reviewed the draft motions, as well as anticipated amendments, for the upcoming annual town meeting on May 1.

Consent Agenda:  DR went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any items needed a Hold placed on it.  It was agreed to take each item separately.  Both Patty Spector and Richard Taylor applied for the remaining at-large opening on the Land Management Committee.  After some discussion, MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to appoint Patty Spector to the Land Management Committee as an at-large member.  5/0 vote.  DR stated that he would like to see the creation of a committee to advise and acquire open space, and he would like to see Richard Taylor serve on that board.  MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to grant a Farmer Winery License to Carr’s Ciderhouse which will allow for the sale of their cider at the farmer’s market on Fridays from May 16-October 10, 2014.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by KF, seconded by EL to grant permission to the Church on the Hill to erect a temporary banner across Main Street from July 21-27.  5/0 vote.  

BOS Reports:  EL stated that the DPW has put out a bid for paving, that the lights in the parking lot behind the bank should be installed shortly, and that the flushing of hydrants has begun.  KF reminded everyone that the deadline for licensing your dog is close, that the Annual Town Meeting is tomorrow night and that permission has been issued by the Fire Department for blasting at 174 Main Street on this Friday.  CG brought up the issue of the pipeline.  CK stated that there is no definitive route as of yet.  DR stated that he believes that the Town should revisit the idea of a dog park.  He also mentioned the need to review traffic at the Hubbard/Route 7 & 20 by-pass location.  There have been too many accidents, and something needs to be done.  He suggested that CK and Chief O’Brien meet with Rep. Pignatelli to discuss options. Finally, the Board said farewell to John who is leaving the Board after six years.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen