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Selectmen's Minutes 04/16/2014
Minutes of Meeting – April 16, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Finance Committee member Lucy Kennedy suggested that the Board meet with FinCom on 4/23 to determine how to allocate 2014 Free Cash for the upcoming town meeting.  Some thoughts she had included adding additional monies to the OPEB account or funding for the Brunell pump station project.  She understands that it is too late for a warrant article, but suggested that it could be accomplished with a warrant article from the floor.

MOTION by KF, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of April 2 and 8 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Librarian Sharon Hawkes updated the Board on current activities at the Library:  the gala at Blantyre was wonderful, there was a Library Snapshot Day held, the photo sharing in Lenox Dale was well received, a book walk is scheduled for 4/24, and the lecture series is continuing.  DR thanked her for her community involvement.

Consent Agenda:  DR went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any items needed a Hold placed on it.  It was agreed to take each item separately.  MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to grant a one-day A/A license to The Rookwood Inn for April 27 from 1-4pm for a bridal shower.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by KF, seconded by EL to grant a one-day A/A license to Robert Brown for May 3 from 3:30-6:30pm at Ventfort Hall.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to grant permission for the Community Center Easter Egg Hunt to occur in Lilac Park on Saturday, April 19 at 11am and to allow them to paint white lines to separate the various groups hunting eggs.  5/0 vote.

The Board then discussed the $5000 request received for the creation of historical walking tours.  EL stated that looking at the balance of the economic development account, and knowing what they will need going forward into FY15, it doesn’t really allow for this $5000 expenditure.  He feels that the project is worthy, but the money simply isn’t there.  DR suggested that we try to find money in another account.

The Board then went through the warrant, determining who would read which articles.

MOTION by JM, seconded by KF to approve a sandwich board sign request from The Frederick LLC, Kemble Inn.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by KF, seconded by CG to grant permission for the Farmer’s Market to display signs at Walker Street and Main Street at the monument, Walker Street and Kemble Street at the monument and Kemble Street at Shakespeare & Co. on Fridays from May 16-October 10, 2014 from noon to 5:30pm.  5/0 vote.

BOS Reports:  EL announced the Easter Egg Hunt in Lilac Park, mentioned that the painting job at the Community Center will be gearing up and that the summer programs are ready to go.  The lights are ready to be installed in the municipal lot behind the bank.  The Town received $40,000 from the state pot hole repair program.  He stated that our consultants will be in town and that he will speak with them regarding the Aspinwall cistern project.  Finally, he mentioned that with Lane Construction closing several of their plants, Lenox Dale will see more traffic to that plant.  KF mentioned that real estate taxes are due May 1, and that business certificates need to be renewed every four years.  He stated that the solar project is not going to happen as planned as the June 30 deadline is too tight for another firm to pick up where Broadway left off.  However, the project could go forward with the SREC 2 program, utilizing a new RFP.  JM suggested that people try to attend the various school sporting events.  He mentioned that we still need to finalize appointments to the Land Management Committee.  With regard to Rest of River, he stated that we are waiting on an EPA report.  He stated that a letter had been sent stating that the six communities need to stay together, and itemizing the four major issues:  1) no in-county hazardous waste landfill; 2) transportation of contaminated material must be monitored and controlled and a periodic sampling of sites downstream must occur; 3) contamination behind dams needs to be addressed; and 4) programs and controls need to be in place to protect and repair all local infrastructure.  CG suggested that with an article on the town meeting regarding the pipeline, Chris should introduce himself to the Tennessee Pipeline representative and Nat Karns at BRPC.  He mentioned that the Planning Board held their public hearing on their four proposed articles, and that there was no opposition.  DR brought up OPEB, and stated that with recent retirements, the Town will be contributing approximately $55,000 and the schools approximately $40,000.  He also announced the affordable housing program, and suggested that anyone interested should visit the Town’s website for additional information.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen