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Selectmen's Minutes 01/22/2014
Minutes of Meeting – January 22, 2014; meeting called to order at 6:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

The Board met with the Finance Committee to go over the proposed FY15 budget.  Several questions were asked, long-range planning was discussed, as was the various planning items and the wastewater capital plan.  There was a brief discussion regarding how to fund OPEB.  Lucy Kennedy questioned if fees at the Community Center should be raised and if the Town should consider selling the building that currently houses the Children’s Center.  It was agreed that the liaisons from FinCom and BOS will jointly meet with the various department heads.  Overall, it was a very productive meeting, and the Board thanked the members for attending.  At 7:00pm, the Board commenced with their regular agenda.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Kim Flynn from the Chamber introduced Robin Wong from the Seven Hills Inn who came in to announce that the Voices of Hope fundraising event raised over $40,000.  She presented checks totaling the amount of $40,000 to Hilary Green, Executive Director of the Berkshire Immigrant Center, with the remaining $2000 to be given to the Lenox Chamber of Commerce.  School Committee member Mike Moran reminded everyone that there will be a strategic planning meeting on January 28 at 7pm at the Town Hall, at which time the results of the survey will be discussed.

MOTION by CG, seconded by KFL to accept the Minutes of January 8 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Sign Appeal Hearing:  Marc Aronoff from 33 St. Ann’s Avenue requested a hearing before the Board seeking approval to allow an address sign which he installed on public property.  Section 5.2.1(1) of the Zoning By-laws states that the Selectmen may issue a permit for any sign of a permanent nature on public land.  DPW Superintendent Sean VanDeusen submitted a memorandum stating that the sign would not impede any DPW services, but that the Town would not take responsibility nor reimburse for any damages done to this property located in the Town’s right of way.  Mr. Aronoff explained his situation, and why he feels the need to have this sign.  He explained that this situation began in early November 2013, and that since then he has relocated the sign onto property owned by his neighbor.  He stated that the sign had been up for approximately one year before a complaint was registered with the Town.  Inspector Don Fitzgerald explained that the sign is located on Town property, and therefore, according to the Zoning By-laws, can only be erected if approved by the Selectmen.  EL questioned where the sign should be placed if it were a 911 sign.  He stated that he would check with the Fire Department to determine this.  DR explained the process, and that the Board will take this under advisement and make a decision at their February 5 meeting.  Bldg. Inspector Bill Thornton stated that this is a unique lot in that it has no frontage, and that the only way to have a sign would be to allow it on Town property.
Village Improvement Committee Chairman Lynn Sutton updated the Board on her committee’s activities throughout the year such as the spring clean-up, clean-up at Lilac Park and holiday decorations.  She mentioned that she would like to purchase higher quality lights for the Christmas tree in Lilac Park.

Scott Laugenour appeared before the Board to update them on the BRTA.  He spoke about the new use of Charlie Cards.  He explained that travel between communities will be easier, and that you will be able to purchase unlimited passes for a day, a week or even a month.  There is a 20% or more incentive to using a Charlie Card.  In addition, he mentioned to the Board that he will come back before them to seek permission to continue on with the free rides on the BRTA bus from April through October.

Price Chopper is seeking a change of manager on their A/A package store license from James Collins to Patricia Pattison.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to approve a change of manager at Price Chopper as presented.  5/0 vote.

Sharon Hawkes gave her monthly update on activities at the Library.  She is once again this year holding a Lenox Reads Together event.  Other events include a lecture series and Snow Golf at Cranwell.  She stated that they are $33,000 ahead in donations over this time last year.  All in all, they are doing very well financially.

OPEB:  DR stated that he continues to receive input from residents as to how this item should be funded.  He mentioned that there needs to be a discussion about whether or not to change the percentage offered for new hires.  He explained that the town side of government has agreed to fund this expenditure, but the school department has not.  EL stated that we need to do this but we need to take care of business first.  KF stated that everyone he speaks with agrees that taking the difference in salary between a new hire vs. the old hire makes sense.  CG stated that if we aren’t going to use the “Roche” plan, let’s not use “smoke and mirrors” either.  The Board asked that the Town Accountant determine what needs to be in the OPEB fund year to year.

Proposed FY15 budget:  DR and EL summarized what had occurred earlier in the evening during a joint meeting with the Board and the Finance Committee regarding the proposed FY15 budget.

Consent Agenda:  DR went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any items needed a Hold placed on it.  MOTION by KF, seconded by CG to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following:  Permission to the Berkshire Christian School to hold their annual road race on Saturday, May 3, 2014 beginning at 9am at the school.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by KF to approve a one-day W&M license to the Lenox Dale Fire Company for 2/2 from 3-8pm at the Lenox Dale Fire Station.  4/0 vote with EL abstaining.
BOS Reports:  EL stated that the DPW is doing a great job keeping the streets clear.  The clarifier went down and needs to be repaired.  KF went through the January employee anniversaries and thanked everyone for their hard work.  JM stated that we received the Open Space Plan back from the state with some small changes required.  The students at the Conway School will make the required changes for us.  The Rest of River is moving forward.  CG stated that he wants to see the solar projects continue to move forward.  He stated that the Planning Board is getting comments from businesses in the Route 7 & 20 corridor regarding signs.  He mentioned that the CPC Committee is beginning to go through the various requests.  One question they will have for the various town projects is whether the request is due to a lack of capital funding or a substitute for poor planning.  A concern is that projects that are funded need to plan for maintenance.  DR stated that the Board finally received the response from Kopelman & Page regarding short-term rentals, and that this item will be on a future Selectmen’s agenda.  He stated that the interviews for a new Town Manager are scheduled for Saturday, January 24.  He thanked Mary Ellen Deming and Jeff Vincent for taking over during the interim period.  Finally, CG reminded everyone that it is burning season and that they may obtain a permit either on-line or by contacting the Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Interim Town Manager                                   Board of Selectmen