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Selectmen's Minutes 01/08/2014
Minutes of Meeting – January 8, 2014; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to accept the Minutes of December 11 and 19 and Executive Minutes of December 19 as presented.  5/0 vote.

KF read the notice in the newspaper regarding a request for a new A/A license submitted by Xiang & You Restaurant, Inc.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote. Attorney Albert Cimini, representing his client, was present to answer questions.  Hearing none, MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to grant an A/A restaurant license to Xiang & You Restaurant, Inc. as presented.  5/0 vote.

Attorney Richard Dohoney appeared before the Board to request their approval of two conservation restrictions consisting of 46.59 acres located on the west side of Pittsfield Road; one parcel containing 43.936 acres of land and a second parcel containing 2.655 acres of land, and a parcel of land located on the west side of Pittsfield Road/Route 7/20 containing approximately 64.7 acres of land, from Toole Properties 2001, Inc. and Toole Properties 2006, Inc.  He stated that these would be permanent conservation restrictions, and that a 10’ wide easement located at the end of Molly Way will allow access.  After hearing Attorney Dohoney’s presentation, MOTION by JM, seconded by KF to approve the two conservation restrictions as stated above.  5/0 vote.

The Board discussed the request from the Cantilena Chamber Choir for $1000 for their Martin Luther King weekend Psalms and Spirituals open sing.  The Events Committee originally recommended the sum of $500 be allocated, but then amended their recommendation to $1000.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed that this event does not meet the goal of increasing activity in town and bringing people back to Town.  However, they would like to support it.  DR suggested loaning the group up to $1000 rather than a donation.  EL agreed that this event did not meet the criteria, and that he liked the idea of a loan.  CG questioned if the Town is a funding source for concerts held in town.  Gail Street, representing the Cantilena Chamber Choir, thanked the Board for their offer of a loan.  MOTION by KF, seconded by EL to offer a loan of up to $1000 to the Cantilena Chamber Choir event on January 19 2014, with repayment due within thirty days of this event.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by EL, seconded by KF to appoint Eric Kirby as a full-time police officer, effective January 19, 2014.  5/0 vote.

OPEB:  Don Fitzgerald, Chairman of the School Committee discussed OPEB options with the Board.  He stated that he believes that it would be cleaner and more transparent if OPEB funding came right off the top of the budget.  He sees the need to utilize Free Cash to offset OPEB in the future, when necessary.  DR stated that the Town is hoping to place $500,000 in the OPEB fund this year.  Discussion ensued, with everyone feeling that additional conversations are necessary.  This is a very complicated, but necessary, item that needs to be addressed.

DR mentioned that Carl Pratt had resigned from the Events Committee.  With this resignation, this committee effectually has disbanded.  DR and CG would like to redefine this group.  It was suggested that a committee be appointed to act on behalf of the Selectmen and determine what events meet the criteria as set by the Board.  For now, the Selectmen will act as the committee.

BOS Reports:  EL stated that the CIC Committee met earlier in the day, and that the process is moving along nicely.  KF mentioned that the Environmental Committee would like to proceed with an initiative to ban the use of plastic bags and styrofoam.  In addition, Suky Werman is working on a program asking businesses to clean with green products.  He then mentioned that DPW Superintendent Sean VanDeusen is noticing more flushable-type products that are clogging up the WWTP.  It was suggested that an insert be placed in the next round of water bills asking people to not flush these types of items and to place them in the trash instead.  Finally, he stated that he would like to put a meeting together to begin work on the landfill solar project.  JM stated that the Rest of River meetings are continuing.  He asked that anyone interested in serving on the Land Management Committee please submit a letter to the Selectmen’s Office.  CG stated that the CPC is beginning to review the requests for funding.  DR stated that he attended a strategic planning committee of the school committee, and things are moving along.  He also attended a library meeting, and their financials are on track.  Finally, he attended a meeting of the Historical Commission, and they are almost ready to order the historic markers.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Interim Town Manager                                   Board of Selectmen