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Selectmen's Minutes 12/11/2013
Minutes of Meeting – December 11, 2013; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

MOTION by KF, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of November 26 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Olga Weiss from the Historical Commission showed a mock-up of the historic markers to be installed on the various historic properties in town.  She explained that a letter will be sent to the property owners asking if they are interested in participating.  Each sign will be erected no more than 7 feet above the first floor and will be easily seen from the street.

Melissa Jette Provencher from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and Rich Niles from AMEC appeared before the Board to present a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Regional Wastewater Study, outlining their findings.  Four future scenarios were presented:  A) upgrade Crystal Street WWTP in 2018, A1) same as A, plus rehabilitation in 2027, B) convert Crystal Street facility to a pump station and send to Pittsfield and B1) same as B, but Lenox pays the same sewer rate as Pittsfield users.  The Board asked several questions, and thanked them for their efforts.  It was agreed that Lenox should sit down with Pittsfield to discuss these options.

Sharon Hawkes from the Library came before the Board to briefly give an update on activities occurring at the library.  She then showed a couple of the photos from the library’s archives that have been digitized, highlighting the many details that had been lost in the original photos.

Lynn Sutton from the Village Improvement Committee supplied the Board with an update on what her committee would like to see happen at the Roche Reading Park, and that she would like to apply for FY15 CPC funds as the funding mechanism for this work.  The Board agreed to work on this project.  CG stated that he feels that town boards and committees need to supply the Board of Selectmen with their grant application first, and that the Board should take the lead on these requests, taking the burden off of these volunteer groups.

The Board discussed the marketing proposal submitted by the Berkshire Visitor’s Bureau.  CG stated that he believes that this is an excellent effort in that 40% of tourist dollars are spent in Lenox, and that this proposal includes the BVB Guidebook.  DR stated that advertising money was approved at the town meeting, and is available.  MOTION by KF, seconded by EL to approve the amount of $17,735 for costs associated with advertising with the Berkshire Visitors Bureau.  5/0 vote.

Amy Lindner-Lesser and Scott Short appeared before the Board to explain the request for funding submitted by the Lenox Inn Tour group.  She stated that 44,000 e-mail blasts have been sent out and that 4000 post cards have been printed.  Out of a $6300 budget, they are requesting $2380.  DR stated that he feels that this event matches the mission set out by the events committee.  MOTION by JM, seconded by KF to approve the amount of $2380 to the Lenox Chamber of Commerce for their Lenox Inn Tour event.  5/0 vote.

Gail Street from the Cantilena Chamber Choir came before the Board, seeking funding for their Martin Luther King weekend Psalms and Spirituals open sing.  The Board discussed this $1000 funding request received by the Events Committee.  The Events Committee is recommending the sum of $500 be allocated.  Ms. Street explained that the concert will be held at Trinity Church which has a 350 seat capacity.  While the Events Committee is recommending $500, she asked the Board to consider funding $1000.  DR stated that this equates to them asking for a $3/seat subsidy, an amount he isn’t sure represents the best use of this money.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to speak with the Events Committee to determine if this event meets the goal of increasing activity in town and bringing people back to Town.  This item will be placed on the January 8 agenda for a vote.

MOTION by KF, seconded by CG to approve all CY14 annual license renewals, except for the five issued to Tucon, as presented.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to approve the five licenses for Tucon.  4/0 vote with JM abstaining.

MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to appoint Robert Fuore as a full-time police officer, effective January 17, 2014.  5/0 vote.

OPEB Discussion:  DR indicated that the cost per employee is approximately $4000.  He questioned if the Town should consider changing the retirement policy for new hires.  EL agreed to work with DR on this issue.  JM questioned why the benefits for the school department end up in the town budget and not the school budget.  MED was asked to place this item on future agendas for further discussion.
Consent Agenda:  DR went through each item on the Consent Agenda, asking if any items needed a Hold placed on it.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following:  Appointment of Harriet Wetstone to the Historical Commission until 2014, replacing James Jurney, Jr.  5/0 vote.
BOS Reports:  CG reminded everyone that the deadline for submission of CPC grants is 1pm on December 31.  The Town will be receiving an 86% match this year.  He mentioned that Canyon Ranch is looking to develop 19 condo units on their property, and that the Marriott is hoping to build a 92-room hotel at Brushwood Farms.  It was suggested that the Board speak with Rep. Pignatelli regarding the Kemble/Walker intersection and the need to make it safer.  EL mentioned that the Community Center will be applying for CPC funds for the basketball court and at the beach.  KF mentioned that the Environmental Committee is looking into eliminating polystyrene and plastic bags.  They are also discussing getting the various inns to utilize green cleaning products.  He stated that the solar project is getting closer, and that the WWTP site is ready and a contract should be signed soon.  It was suggested that diagrams of the site and a statement showing the savings to the Town should be placed in the Town Hall lobby, the library and the two post offices, as well as on the Town’s web site.  DR stated that one way to avoid a tax increase is to decrease costs – that’s what this project will do.  In addition, KF stated that the landfill site is still a possibility.  If it is not ready by the December 31 deadline, it can be put into the second round of credits.  JM asked anyone interested in serving on the Open Space Land Management Committee to submit a letter to the Selectmen’s Office.  He noted that the first legal invoice on the Rest of River came in, and that each community was assessed $2200.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Interim Town Manager                                   Board of Selectmen