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Selectmen's Minutes 04/22/2013

Minutes of Meeting – April 22, 2013; meeting called to order at 10:00am.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; John McNinch.  Absent:  Dave Roche.

KF called the meeting to order at 10:05am.

Roche Reading Park:  The Board reviewed the Phase I proposed plans which include fencing, trees, mulch around the trees and a walk-way to the handicapped ramp.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to approve all four items.  4/0 vote.

Arbor Day:  The VIC received a grant in the amount of $1000 and $650 in donations.  200 seedlings will be given out as part of Arbor Day.  MOTION by CG, seconded by JM to approve of the planting of a magnolia tree in the northwest corner of Roche Reading Park as part of the Lenox National Arbor Day Celebration on Sunday, 4/28 at 12 noon.  4/0 vote.

Special Events:  MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to approve the amount of $3500 for the Lenox Caroling Festival, with the condition that 50% of the funds be specifically targeted to marketing the event outside a 100-mile radius of Lenox, to increase exposure and participation.  4/0 vote.  CG stated that he sees this as a big holiday weekend event.  KF voiced his concern about the singers being in the streets.  MOTION by CG, seconded by JM to approve the amount of $5000 to the Berkshire Cycling Classic.  4/0 vote.

Economic Development:  KF went over the efforts for the past few years:  Recent Appropriations:  2 years @ $95,000, 1 year @ $55,000 ($10,000 + $45,000 for NEA), and proposed @ $55,000 for FY14.  He sees little use for the Selectmen being in charge of promoting events.  The goal is to increase the rooms and meals revenue to Town.  The Chamber should be in charge of events.  Unfortunately, they lack the full support of the merchants in town.  Perhaps a BID would help in this regard.  CG sees three areas needing attention:  tourism, resident recruitment and business recruitment.  He sees the Chamber as the missing piece.  He feels that the Board should support but not make all of the decisions.  He would like to see the business community come forward with a plan.  EL agrees.  He feels that business recruitment would be best as a regional effort, that community development could get people to move here and that the Chamber should take the lead with tourism.  JM also agrees.  He is frustrated with the piece-meal approach.  CG would like to challenge the Chamber to present a strategic plan to the Board.  EL stated that he would be willing to spend money if it was part of a plan.  CG stated that the Events Committee is doing well, but needs support.

The Selectmen agreed to the following action steps:  1) Ask the Chamber to propose a business promotion plan; schedule a meeting to discuss their proposed plan; 2) Meet with the Planning Board and the Town Planner on economic development options; 3) Schedule meetings with business leaders in town; and 4) Schedule a time when Kevin Sprague can report on the results of his recent web advertising efforts.

The Board determined who would be reading which warrant articles at the upcoming Annual Town Meeting.

By roll call, CG, EL, JM and KF voted to go into Executive Session at 12:00pm to discuss contract negotiations with TM, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen