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Selectmen's Minutes 04/03/2013

Minutes of Meeting – April 3, 2013; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler;
Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Sonya Bykofsky requested that issues she has concerning Kennedy Park be placed on the next Selectmen’s agenda (illegal tree cutting, large tree with Kiwi vines leaning toward electric wires.)  She also suggested that the power lines along the northern end of Main Street should be buried.  Nancy Armstrong expressed her dismay over the cutting down of the row of trees in the Roche Reading Park.  She also stressed the need to see plans before more work is done.  Roberta Russell invited the public to the “Govt 101 – You make a Difference” forum scheduled for April 11 at 6:30 at the Library.  Lynn Sutton announced Spring Clean-up Day, Saturday April 13 from 9-12 in the Village and from 10-1 in the Dale.  Rain Date is Sunday, April 14 at 1PM.  She also asked about Arbor Day, April 26 and planting a magnolia tree in the northwest corner of the Reading Park.  Selectmen stated that a full plan for the plantings in the Park is needing approval first.  Harold Armstrong asked whether a new fence is going up along the northern border of the Reading Park.  KF responded yes.

MOTION by DR, second by EL to approve the Minutes of March 20, 2013 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Electra Café Liquor License:  JM read the public notice for a hearing on the request by Electra Café for a Wine and Malt License.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  After a short presentation by the owner who explained that there will be no bar, only service at the dining tables, and that all wait staff will be TIPS certified, and hearing no other public comments, MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by JM to approve the liquor license request by Electra Café.  5/0 vote.

FY13 Budget – 3rd Quarter Update:  Accountant Charlie Brown and the Town Manger reviewed the third quarter budget report.  Most all line items are tracking favorably.  A few items are over budget but most will be handled by under-spending in other areas. Exceptions are the emergency furnace repairs needed at the Community Center, fire truck repairs, the legal fees for the belvedere lawsuit, and veteran benefits. The latter two will require supplemental fund appropriation votes from the voters at town meeting.  

FY14 Budget:  The FinCom, represented by Joe Nejaime and Bob Vaughan, presented their recommendations on the FY14 budget.  They agree with the Town Manager’s proposals in all areas except:  they want to level fund marketing rather than see it increased by $42,500 and they feel that the Town should continue with higher increases in the water and sewer rates in anticipation of future bonding needs (instead of a 5% increase; FinCom recommends a 7% increase.)   Discussion focused on how much should be proposed for economic development.  DR expressed his belief that the one area of potential growth we have in town is expanding the months when we attract large numbers of visitors.  The increased revenues from room and meal taxes helps us to be less dependent on ever increasing property taxes.  But he could see the value in holding off asking voters for new money.  He suggested the formation of a citizen’s committee to develop a sound strategy.  A special town meeting could be held for the purpose of allocating economic development dollars.  Others felt that we should adopt the dollar amount recommended by the Finance Committee.  MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to approve the budget as recommended by the Finance Committee (level fund economic development at $55,000.)The motion includes approval for the capital budget amounts as well. 5/0 vote.

Town Meeting Warrant:  The Selectmen reviewed each of the proposed warrant articles.   It was noted that this year, voting for the elected officials will take place prior to the annual town meeting due to the special senate primary.  The last article on voter approval to sell the old house jointly owned by Lenox and Lee drew the most discussion.  Susan Wissler, from The Mount, spoke passionately for saving the old structure.  The possibility of a large modern house being built on the land was particularly seen as damaging the character of the area.  Others expressed concerns about the towns being able to maintain the old structure.  After much discussion, MOTION by CG, seconded by KF to remove Article 25 from the warrant.  On a 3-2 vote (JM & ER voted no) the motion passed.  MOTIONs by JM, seconded by CG to approve the warrant with articles 1-24, pending final review by Town Counsel. 5/0 vote.

Coffman’s Antiques asked whether they needed formal permission to have a one day sale on their porch.  As a one day event the Board felt that no action was needed.

BOS Reports:  JM noted that the OSRP document was being finalized and will be available soon.  He also noted that at the next Selectmen’s meeting the proposed CR for the water shed lands will be discussed.  He provided an update on the Rest of River efforts.  It is hoped negotiations with GE will begin soon regarding compensation to the communities to help off-set the economic damage that will occur during the clean-up operations.  The next meeting of the Coordinating Council will be on May 15 at the Lenox Library at 5:30PM.  CG noted that the Environmental Committee is working well and that the Chairman will be in at an upcoming meeting to provide an update on their work.  He announced that training for the on-line permitting program will be given on April 11 at 6PM here at Town Hall.  DR expressed his regrets for having to miss the next meeting on April 17th but he has a medical procedure scheduled for that day.  He asked to schedule a special selectmen’s meeting to have a focused discussion on economic development strategies.  The Board agreed to meet at 10AM on April 22 in the Welles Gallery at the Lenox Library.  EL noted that the replacement of the Community Center doors is underway.  Assuming voters approve the funding, re-doing the siding will follow this summer.  The DPW is working hard on spring clean-up projects.  KF commented that he will make sure that the Duffin Theater is equipped to assist those with hearing impairments.  

By roll call, CG, EL, DR, JM and KF voted to go into Executive Session at 9:20pm to discuss contract negotiations, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen