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Selectmen's Minutes 03/06/2013
Minutes of Meeting – March 6, 2013; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler;
Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

KF reminded everyone that the Town Election will be combined with the special election and will be held on April 30; the Annual Town Meeting will be held on May 2.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.
MOTION by CG, seconded by JM to accept the Minutes of February 20 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Village Improvement Committee Update/Roche Reading Park:  Lynn Sutton went through her proposed FY14 budget  in which she is asking for approval of $10,000.  Her request is for the following:  Spring clean-up day of the Crystal Street corridor and the downtown area; window boxes and plantings in the late spring/summer at Housatonic/Church Street, the Lenox Dale firehouse and Liston Park and at the Triangle Park fountain.  She mentioned that she had been approached by residents at Turnure Terrace about planting in the rear, but the Board stated that that is state land; planters around town and lights for the lamp poles in the fall/winter; plantings for spring 2014.  JM stated that he is concerned about adding $10,000 to the budget.  The TM stated that this would be included in the capital budget.  EL feels that the funding should come from marketing funding.  Lynn then gave an update on work at the park, and spoke about plans to incorporate tables and chairs within the park.  KF stated that he would like to see the park remain “open” as much as possible.  CG would like to see a rough drawing as to what will go where. Lynn agreed to return with a plant list and plant layout plan.

KF mentioned that there will be a car show in Town on June 14; the 1st Annual Lenox Motor Car Classic.  The TM mentioned that proposals are due March 19 for an events consultant.

Sharon Hawkes updated the Board on events at the Library.  She explained that they are in the process of digitizing many of their items, and that the cost of this work is being covered by a grant.

FY14 Budget:  The TM stated that since the health insurance costs will be level this year and he anticipated a 4% increase, there will be extra money that could go back into departmental budgets that had to be cut.  He then asked the Board their thoughts on how best to use our Free Cash – could pay a bond off early, could put into the OPEB Trust Account or into the Stabilization Account for use on future capital projects.  Future decisions on whether to target cost reductions and/or pursue enhanced revenues will be needed.  DR stressed that we have our new WWTP permit, and we will know what degree of capital costs we are facing.  The TM noted that the long-term projections indicate that if we go with a 2% annual tax rate increase, we will be looking at a 9% increase to sewer and water rates; with a 2 ½% increase, a 6% increase to sewer and water rates.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to approve a one-day W&M license to the Lenox Library for 3/10 from 4:30-6pm.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to approve of the Pledge of License to TD Banknorth from the Econolodge.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to participate in the Southern Berkshire Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program again this year.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to approve of a sandwich board sign at Scoop.  5/0 vote.
BOS Reports:  JM stated that the watershed conservation restriction is completed and has been reviewed by the various state agencies, with only a few minor revisions.  He stated that the one main difference between this CR and one that was voted down several years ago is that the Town will retain control over the property.  Tad Ames from the Berkshire Natural Resources Council briefly explained the contents of the CR.  It was agreed to hold a public forum on April 3 at 6pm to hear residents’ thoughts on the CR.  JM then mentioned that there was an Open Space public forum with many good ideas coming forward.  CG mentioned that the CPC will be passing along their approved funding applications to the Board for their review.  The Planning Board has passed along a draft Sandwich Board sign by-law to Town Counsel for their review.  The Environmental Committee has agreed to purchase twenty composting bins and resell them at a discount.  DR stated that he doesn’t want to see the ATM go too long, and that maybe we should consider having a STM also.  EL mentioned that the Community Center Volunteer Appreciation Night is coming up on Saturday.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen