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Selectmen's Minutes 02/20/2013

Minutes of Meeting – February 20, 2013; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  Ruth Wheeler from the Open Space Recreation Committee informed the Board that there is an on-line survey that residents should fill out.  It consists of fifteen questions about what they would like to see in a 5-year open space/recreation plan.  In addition, the Committee will be holding another public forum on March 5 at 6:30pm in the Town Hall auditorium.  Kim Flynn, representing the Berkshire Cycling Classic event, requested that the Board approve changing the date of the event from June 2 to June 9, 2013.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to approve changing the date of the Berkshire Cycling Classic event to June 9, 2013.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by CG, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of February 6 as presented.  4/0 vote with DR abstaining.

MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to merge the Special Election with the Town Election to be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2013, and that the swearing in of any elected officials will take place after the May Annual Town Meeting.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to approve a grant in the amount of $1500 to the Colonial Carriage and Driving Society event (Tub Parade), to be held on September 21, 2013.  5/0 vote.

Special Events Consultant:  KF spoke to the need for a special events person to work with the Town, Chamber and merchants.  He is envisioning a 200 hour position from March to mid-June, and consisting of three events – the bike race, car show/block party and Memorial Day marathon.  He sees the Events Committee having oversight of this position, not the Town.  EL stated that he needs to know that the Town, Chamber and merchants are behind this 100% before he feels comfortable with this idea.  DR is in favor now, until a full-time events coordinator is needed, without Town oversight.  CG feels that tourism is a growing industry and that we have to capitalize on it.  He feels that a Special Events person is a good idea, and will be money well spent.  JM stated that the same people are the ones to get involved, and that the Chamber needs to step up and get more involved.  He would like to propose a test run to see how things go.  He feels that we need to find an entity to oversee this individual, and that it should not be the Town.  Kim Flynn from the Events Committee agrees that there is a need for someone to assist with the three mentioned events.  MOTION by CG, seconded by DR to approve spending up to $8000 to hire a Special Events Coordinator/Consultant, under the guidance of the Events Committee, for the purpose of organizing the Town’s efforts for the spring events as mentioned.  5/0 vote.  DR asked that the Events Committee give a 5-minute update at each Selectmen’s meeting.

FY14 budget:  KF stated that he would like to stick to a 2% increase, even though he is aware that we will need to go over 2 ½% in the future to cover expenses.  DR concurred.  He would like to see the Town create a revenue base to make up the 2 ½% difference.  EL questioned what the ½% equates to -- $70,000 or $23 on the average tax bill.  He would like to see a 2% increase.  He then questioned if the water budget needs to be an enterprise fund?  CG feels that we need to increase the budget by 2 ½%.  He feels that we need to work hard to cut expenses without cutting services, and he would like to see us bank into the Stabilization Account any monies saved to be used for future expenditures.  He feels that a 4-5% increase may be necessary if we aren’t careful now.  JM stated that it is important to leave some money in the resident’s pockets, and would like to increases taxes as little as possible.  Also, he wanted to remind everyone that the Town represents 38% of the budget, and the school 62%.

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to appoint Scott Laugenour to the Environmental Committee.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to approve a one-day A/A license to IS 183 Art School for 3/9 from 6pm-1am at the Lenox Commons, and a one-day W&M license to Pamela Dreyfus Smith/Close Encounter with Music for 2/23 from 6-9pm at Ventfort Hall.  5/0 vote.
BOS Reports:  JM again mentioned the Open Space Recreation Plan Survey on the Town website and the public forum to be held on 3/5.  He stated that the final draft will be presented at the Town Meeting in May.  CG mentioned that the CPC meeting to be held on 2/25 will be to discuss the applications, and that they are looking for the Selectmen’s input.  He also mentioned that the Planning Board will be holding a public information meeting on 2/26 to review the draft sandwich board sign bylaw.  He stated that the solar project is moving forward with National Grid and WMECO.  KF congratulated the Board on the decision they made to hire a Special Events Coordinator.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen