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Selectmen's Minutes 01/23/2013

Minutes of Meeting – January 23, 2013; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler;
Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche; John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of January 9 as presented.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by DR, seconded by JM to grant permission to the LMMHS Class of 2016 for the 4th annual Lenox Loop Race on April 27 beginning at 10am.  5/0 vote.

FY14 Budget:  The Board met with the FinCom to determine how best to approach the FY14 budget process.  EL stated that the proposed 2% increase funds current services and personnel.  DR felt that if the Town went with a smaller increase, it might be fine for this year, but we would pay for it in a future year.  CG felt that the ideas included in the FinCom power point presentation will not be able to be pursued this year, but should be in future years.  He feels that it is very important that the School Committee make a firm commitment to the proposed OPEB plan.  JM would like to see no increase in taxes.  However, he feels that a 2% increase is a step in the right direction.   KF reminded everyone that people are also being hit with higher sewer and water bills.  FinCom Chairman Lucy Kennedy expressed concerns that the draft budget does not do enough to start curtailing expenses.  She questioned how this budget can be considered austere when the School Dept. has added two new employees and the Town one.  DR explained that Jeff Vincent will be paid from capital monies, and in essence, will be saving the Town money.  She suggested that the Town consider putting together a multi-year budget proposal, perhaps 2-3 years.  JM suggested that the BOS and FinCom liaisons meet with the various departments to review budgets.  Olga Weiss asked where the Town is with regard to regionalization.  The Board explained that while regionalization sounds good, and we look at every opportunity as it arises, it is a very slow process.

CPC Grant Applications:  Committee Chairman Frederick Keator briefly touched on the six applications received.  There was some discussion regarding the application from the Church on the Hill, and whether to tackle the entire project at once or do it piece-meal.  EL stated that he feels that CP funds are intended to pick up those projects the Town cannot afford; they should be Town projects that need to be done.  Frederick reminded the Board that it is not always just the project, but the maintenance of that project that must be considered.  JM feels that entities like the Mount or Ventfort Hall bring tourists into Town; he also sees a need to look into open space projects.  It was agreed that the CP Committee needs to obtain input from the Town and the Board to see what people are thinking as far as necessary projects.

JM stated that a public forum regarding the Open Space and Recreation Plan is scheduled for January 30 at 6:30pm in the auditorium.  The Committee has been in contact with the Conway School to assist with this project.  Hopefully, people will attend the forum and tell the Town what they want to see with regard to open space.  The goal is to create an open space plan for the Town for now, for in the near future, and for years later.  A survey asking for input has been created and will be on the Town’s website.  Nancy Armstrong voiced her concern about hunters and individuals sharing the outdoors.

KF briefly updated the Board on the PILOT program in Town.  He explained that the Assessors currently have arrangements with a few individual non-profit property owners.  The Board asked to obtain a list of all non-profit entities to determine if there are any others that should be considered for this program.  In addition, the Town will keep an eye on how Pittsfield is progressing with their PILOT program.  EL stated that he feels that this really is for communities that have universities and hospitals.

Librarian Sharon Hawkes announced a new “Community Read” project.  She is suggesting that the book “Empire Falls”, a novel about a fictional old mill town in Maine, be selected for February reading.  A series of discussions, films and forums are planned as a way to encourage more civic engagement.

Consent Agenda:  KF announced that there are several vacancies on the Village Improvement Committee.  Since there has never been a membership number put to this committee, MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to make this a 7-member committee.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to grant permission for the Read, Write, Run 5K Race, sponsored by the Berkshire Christian School, on May 11 beginning at 9am; estimated our summer population at 10,000 for purposes of determining how many seasonal package store licenses could be issued; approve a one-day W&M license to Dianne Romeo and Mary Spina for March 9 from 8-11pm at the Community Center Ballroom; approve a one-day W&M license to Canyon Ranch for January 30 and 31 at the Bellefontaine Mansion.  5/0 vote.

BOS Reports:  EL stated that the DPW is running smoothly, and that the new DPW Superintendent is quickly getting on board.  The skating rink at the Community Center is finally ready for use. DR asked to put the matter of cable bill increases on the 2/6 agenda.  CG stated that the Environmental Committee will hold its’ first meeting on 2/4 at 5:30pm.  The Planning Board continues to work on a sign by-law.  There is a small animal clinic interested in locating in Town.  Currently zoning prohibits this; perhaps we need to change the by-law?  The Town is still waiting for the interconnection agreement with the utility company with regard to our solar project.  This is a very slow process, but is moving along.  He stated that the Town needs to determine how to entice new events, and keep the current ones.  Finally, he feels that we need to make some improvements to the Town’s web site.  JM once again reminded everyone about the Open Space and Recreation Plan public forum to be held on Wednesday, January 30 at 6:30pm in the auditorium.  KF stated that he would like to look at the current Economic Development Plan and see what is still viable.  He announced that the current owners of Clearwater Natural Foods are retiring after 35 years, and wished them the best of luck.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen