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Selectmen's Minutes 09/19/2012

Minutes of Meeting – September 19, 2012; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  Ken Fowler; Ed Lane; Channing Gibson; Dave Roche.  Absent:  John McNinch.

Citizen’s Open Forum: Jim Terry invited the Board to attend the Apple Squeeze festivities over the weekend.  Sonya Bykofsky asked if the Town’s web site was working properly as she hadn’t received many e-mails lately, specifically, she knew that there was a ConCom meeting scheduled for 9/20, but she hadn’t seen a posting to that effect.  Suzanne Pelton asked about the term limits for Kennedy Park Committee members.

MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of September 5 as presented.  3/0 vote with DR abstaining.  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to accept the Executive Minutes of September 5 as presented.  3/0 vote with DR abstaining.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to accept the Minutes of September 11 as presented.  4/0 vote.

The TM gave a brief power point presentation of the proposed Kennedy Park entranceway plans.  He stated that there is a plan to install a 3”x10” plaque dedicating the entrance to Sam Greenfield.  The Board reviewed the improvement plan to the entrance at Kennedy Park, and felt that it was a simple and straight-forward plan.  Joe Nolan asked for the location of the benches, and was informed that they would be made from a poly product so that no maintenance would be necessary.  Sonya Bykofsky questioned the addition of trees and plantings, and asked how many pieces of granite would be installed (12).  Suzanne Pelton suggested that a plaque be installed with the thought of adding commission members’ names over the years rather than several plaques being installed.  Cynthia Wilde suggested that a donation box, a lost and found box and a doggie bag box, as well as a trash barrel, be installed.  Laura Featheroff asked who would monitor parking at the lot.  Nancy Armstrong asked if the Town could at least level the area for better access by handicapped individuals.  It was agreed to speak with Lynn Sutton regarding plantings.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to approve of the plans as proposed.  4/0 vote. (plan)   MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to award the contract to Tom Farley in the amount of $19,831, which includes $2500 to Greylock Design for the plans.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to appoint Andrew Breslin to the Kennedy Park Committee, replacing Rob Akroyd who resigned.  4/0 vote.

The Board discussed the creation of a 250th anniversary committee.  It was agreed that a committee of 7-9 members would probably be best.  DR agreed to be the Board’s liaison.  Anyone interested in serving on this committee was asked to submit a letter to the Board’s office.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to form a committee to facilitate the 250th celebration of Lenox.  4/0 vote.

Executive Director of the Library, Sharon Hawkes, came before the board to update them on current activities.  She stated that the recent book sale brought in $31,000.  She also mentioned that a 1792 bell was found by the painters in the front cupola on the building.

Rick DeGrigoli from the PTO came before the Board seeking permission to offer hay rides as part of Apple Squeeze.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to grant said permission.  4/0 vote.  Jim Terry requested four temporary signs directing traffic from Shakespeare & Co. to the village during the Berkshires Arts Festival September 28-30.  He will put the signs up late Friday afternoon, removing them on Sunday.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to grant permission for the four temporary signs.  4/0 vote.

KF gave a brief overview of the recent Open Meeting Law presentation that was held last week.  It proved to be very informative, and he was glad to see so many people in attendance.

EPA Rest of River:  KF gave a brief overview of a meeting that was held last week with the six towns involved.  It was agreed to continue to have the TM sit on this committee with JM and KF serving as alternates.  EL mentioned that someone from Bio-Tech will be coming to town in early October to take samples for testing.  CG stated that he would like to continue to be active on this committee as well.

Eastover Sewer Agreement:  The TM gave a brief overview of the proposed project.  He stated that the existing plan will accommodate the current needs plus some expansion.  In lieu of any connection fees, Eastover would build the pump station that the Town would then own.  This pump station could accommodate an additional 35-40 homes in the neighborhood.  DR questioned if lots were sub-divided, would the town be able to charge a connection fee?  The agreement should include a June 30, 2013 completion date for the sewer pipe and a performance bond.  The Board agreed to keep this project moving forward. (agreement)

Consent Agenda:  MOTION by EL, seconded by CG to approve of three one-day W&M licenses for Ventfort Hall on 10/31, 7-11pm, 12/7, 6:30-8:30pm and 12/8, 7:30-10:30, and to approve a one-day A/A license to Jane Holland for 9/28 from 5:30-10pm at Ventfort Hall.  4/0 vote.  It was agreed to count the license to Jane Holland as one being issued to Ventfort Hall.  The Board reviewed routes and closures for the upcoming Brock Trot.  It was agreed to post said information on the Town’s web site.

Old/New Business:  CG showed the marketing that has been placed on the BVB web site for the Town of Lenox.  He also mentioned that the Town needs to put something into place for the permitting of special events such as Berkshire Stock.  He went on to say that the meeting with the Planning Board and 1Berkshire went well.  It may be that the BVB can provide assistance with events and a more detailed discussion on BVB’s services should be scheduled.  EL updated the Board on the status of the Community Center improvements and the various DPW projects.  He stated that the on-line Building Permitting System will be very nice once it is up and running.  There are currently seven towns that will be utilizing this system.  DR stated that after thirty years, Peter Prime was named to the Special Olympics Hall of Fame.  With regard to street performers, he suggested that we identify 3-5 locations in Town that we could encourage street performances.  The town should check with other communities to see if they have some guidelines and an application process that we could look at.  KF congratulated Patty Spector on another successful Josh Billings.  He reminded everyone that the BRTA will be offering free rides between Lee and Lenox over the weekend during the Apple Squeeze and Lee Founder’s Day activities.  He congratulated Harvey Waller on a great Tub Parade, and is looking forward to the Coaching Weekend coming up over the Columbus Day weekend.  Finally, he congratulated Preston Lockenwitz on his pending retirement from the DPW.

By roll call, KF, EL, CG and DR voted to go into Executive Session at 9:10pm to discuss personnel issues, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen