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Selectmen's Minutes 05/09/2012

Minutes of Meeting – May 9, 2012; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  Present:  J McNinch; D Roche; K Fowler; C Gibson; E Lane.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  The owner of the Patisserie came before the Board, requesting permission to erect a sandwich board sign in front o their establishment.  JM explained that the issue is going before the Planning Board and HDC now, and that the Board will place the issue on their 5/23 agenda.  Nancy Armstrong asked about the Americans with Disabilities Act Committee – is it defunct, do they have a budget, should it be reactivated.  

MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of April 25 and May 2 as presented. 5/0 vote.

Reorganization/Orientation:  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to appoint KF as chairman.  5/0 vote.  DR thanked JM for a job well done during a difficult year.  MOTION by JM, seconded by KF to adopt a policy that would allow a chairman to serve for up to two consecutive years.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by CG to appoint JM as clerk.  5/0 vote.  The Board thanked Linda and Dia for all of their work while serving on the Board.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to adopt a policy to post all meetings on the Town web site as well as the legal bulletin board, as a courtesy to the community.  In addition, JM asked the TM to put together a draft monument by-law for the Board to review.  KF agreed, stating that we need to look at not only the process, but the location as well.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to instruct the TM to draft a monument bylaw.  CG agreed to assist the TM.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by JM to put together a task force to study the various town boards and committees and to report back to the Board by the fall.  KF offered to assist this group.  5/0 vote.  DR suggested that a joint meeting with the Marketing and Events Committee be held to see where we are going from here.  DR and CG offered to participate.

JM read the advertisement for the change of manager, new officer/director, new stockholder and a transfer of stock on an annual A/A restaurant license request from Gabagool, LLC.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to open the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  Manager Stephane Ferioli was present to answer any questions.  He explained that nothing will be changing as far as operations.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to close the public hearing.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to grant the requested changes as submitted.  5/0 vote.

The Board received a request from Verizon seeking permission to place one pole on the westerly side of Old Stockbridge Road at a point approximately 1194 feet southerly from the center line of Stone Hill Road, and to lay and maintain underground laterals, cables and wires in the above or intersecting public ways for the purpose of making connections with such poles and buildings.  DPW Superintendent Jeff Vincent had no issues with this request.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to grant said permission.  5/0 vote.

10-year Plan:  DR stated that we need to look toward the future and identify what the town is up against.  The TM suggested that a Memorandum of Understanding  be signed with the School Committee to ensure that the difference in salary between someone retiring and a new hire, be placed in the OPEB account.  Work needs to continue with the City of Pittsfield with regard to sewer and water issues.  JM and EL agreed to get involved in the sewer and water project.  It was suggested that the Finance Committee be involved in the long-range planning.  EL suggested that we ask who may be interested in serving when we do the annual appointments in a few weeks.  He also suggested reactivating the Infrastructure Committee.

Liaisons:  DPW, EL; Police, Fire and Ambulance, JM; Town Hall and Board of Health, KF; Community Center, EL; School Committee, DR; Finance Committee, EL; Assessors and Planning Board, CG; Library, CG and KF; Community Preservation Committee, DR; Capital Improvements Committee, EL; Water, DR and EL; Solar, KF and CG.  CG offered to check in with the Planning Board and HDC on the status of sandwich boards.  Other items that they asked for a status on included the Laurel Lake house, PCB’s/Housatonic River and Town Counsel appointment.  The TM will supply the Board with pertinent information on the PCB issue.  The Board agreed to work on their charge and keep the other members informed.

Consent Agenda items:  The Board announced that the British Motorcar Festival will be playing amplified British theme back-ground music during their event as follows:  Friday, June 15 from noon-6pm, Saturday, 9am-5pm and Sunday, 9am-2pm.  MOTION by JM, seconded by CG to grant a one-day W&M license to the Lenox Library Association for 6/1 from 5:30-8pm at the Welles Gallery.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to grant permission to the Lenox Housing Authority to place three tables out to sell lemonade and to the Class of 2017 to hold a bake sale during the Memorial Day Parade.  5/0 vote.  KF announced the resignation of Joe Kellogg from the Planning Board and the Board of Assessors, and asked those interested in serving in either of these capacities to submit a letter of interest to the Board by May 22.  The Board thanked Joe for his service to the Town.  MOTION by DR, seconded by JM to appoint Christopher Prew as a Relief FF/EMT.  5/0 vote.

Old/New Business:  JM asked for an update on the Laurel Lake house.  The TM stated that the Town of Lee is currently putting an article on their town warrant.  Depending upon what happens with this vote, Lenox will do the same.  DR stated that he will work on this issue.  DR thanked Linda and Dia for all their assistance during his first year on the board, and he welcomed Ed and Channing as new members.  EL stated that he is happy to be on board and is looking forward to working with everyone.  CG stated that he, too, is looking forward to working together.  He also mentioned that he is putting together a website,, as well as a twitter and e-mail account to keep the public informed.  He would like to be involved in the business community also.  Finally, he questioned where the Town was with regard to the belvedere lawsuit. DR stated that no suit has been filed but indications are one may be filed soon.  The town continues to offer mediation but the opponents have not agreed.   Lawyers from both sides have been in communications.  Town Counsel’s last request for the opponent’s last proposal be put in writing has not been answered.  KF announced that, weather permitting, road work will begin on a portion of East Street.  He also read a letter from one of the participants stating how wonderfully run the cycling event was.

By roll call, DR, KF, EL, CG and JM voted to go into Executive Session at 8:45pm to discuss possible contract negotiations, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen