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Selectmen's Minutes 03/14/2012
Minutes of Meeting – March 14, 2012; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  
Present:  J McNinch; D Roche; K Fowler; D Trancynger.  Absent:  L Messana

Citizen’s Open Forum: Suzanne Pelton stated that she was one of the ten citizens against the Belvedere.  She was wondering when the Board would act on their latest compromise.  The Board explained that they would be responding through Town Counsel and that communications should flow from their attorney to Town Counsel.  Suzanne stated that no suit has been filed at this time. Sonya Bykofsky explained the several warrant articles that her group submitted for the upcoming ATM.  She explained that her group’s main objective is to keep the citizens informed and help make sure government stays transparent.  She stated the Citizens for All group is not the group that has a suit ready to file against the town.  She then handed the Board a copy of a memorial by-law that members of her group had put together.  KF asked for a list of those individuals that had worked on the by-law.

MOTION by KF, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of February 29 as presented. 3/0 vote with DT abstaining.

MOTION by DR, seconded by DT to approve a seasonal A/A license for the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Seranak.  4/0 vote.

Ann Jon, Director of Sculpture Now, appeared before the Board seeking $4000 from the town to support the sculpture exhibit this year.  The M&E Committee recommended $2500.  At the last meeting, the Board agreed that to grant public space to show these pieces that are for sale is support enough.  DR stated that with limited amount of funding available, he feels that it is important to fund new events.  However, he also stated that the town would be willing to pay for insurance to cover the sculptures.  Ann Jon thanked the Board for its support of the exhibit.

DR brought up the need to develop a 10-year plan for the Town.  DT stated that the Town’s infrastructure is probably the number one most pressing issue facing the town.  DR stated that he wants to make sure that the Town begins to fund our unfunded liabilities/retiree benefits, and that he sees working with the City of Pittsfield regarding sewer as a top priority.  He would like to identify a short list of priority projects and give each Selectman a specific item that they would report on at each meeting.

Conservation Restriction on Watershed Lands:  DR suggested that we put together a committee of 3 to 5 people such as Jeff Vincent, Warren Archey and Tad Ames from Berkshire National Resources to come up with some guidelines.  Anyone interested in serving on this committee should submit a letter of interest to the office.

Budget & Finance:  Kim Graham came before the Board to discuss the Community Center budget.  She stated that she is seeking an increase of $4600 for lifeguards and monies for a substitute maintenance man when Mike is out.  She also mentioned that she is obtaining quotes to place new siding on the building rather than painting the old siding every 4 years.  Bill Thornton then came before the Board to discuss the Inspections department.  He would like to see the hours for the clerk bumped up.  He stated that his department’s fees cover the costs of this department.  Sharon Hawkes from the Library gave a power point presentation highlighting what the library offers.  She is seeking an $8460 increase to $243,460. The Board agreed to discuss at another meeting the various articles that will be on the Annual Town Meeting warrant this year.

Consent Agenda items:  MOTION by DT, seconded by KR to grant permission for an Easter Egg Hunt in Lilac Park on Saturday, April 7at 11am; for a temporary banner at Essencials Day Spa for two weeks from May 1-13, for a temporary banner at the Welles Gallery for the first two weeks in July to advertise an art exhibit by Kathy Winstanley; for a one-day W&M license to Kathy Winstanley for July 11 from 5-7pm at the Welles Gallery.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by KF, seconded by DT to grant a temporary banner request from The Heritage for St. Patrick’s Day.  3/0 vote, with JM abstaining.

Old/New Business:  DT asked when Marge Pero would be appointed as Town Accountant.  GTF stated that he was waiting for the Shared Services Report first.  DR stated that this was his first time going through the budget process, and that everyone does a great job offering a high level of service on limited resources.  MOTION by DR, seconded by DT to proceed with the health insurance process under Chapter 32B, Sections 21-23 and convene the PEC.  4/0 vote.
By roll call, DR, KF, DT and JM voted to go into Executive Session at 8:30pm to discuss possible contract negotiations, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                           Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                        Board of Selectmen