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Planning Board Minutes, 09/29/2015
Town of Lenox
Planning Board Minutes
September 29, 2015

Present: Kameron Spaulding (KS), Mark Smith (MS), Tom Delasco (TD), Ken Fowler (KF), Town Planner Gwen Miller (GM)
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
Approval of Minutes
TD asked to table the review and approval of the August 25 minutes until the October 13 meeting to provide additional time for review or amendments. The group agreed to send changes to Peggy prior to the next meeting.
Land Use Open Houses
KS introduced the two land use open houses scheduled for October 6 and October 27. He noted it was part of the work with Judi Barrett, the zoning bylaw consultant hired with carry over money from FY14.
GM stated that the workshops would focus on “target areas”, and guests will be able to circulate from station to station and participate in focused discussions about each area. She also noted that everybody would get data snapshots to be grounded in the same facts when participating in the discussions. The second meeting will be a report back to attendees and offer some ideas of what type of policy changes may help direct planning efforts in Lenox towards goals or visions expressed at the first meeting’s discussions. She also noted that the consultant would be providing warrant ready language changes to the zoning bylaw. MS asked if the PB would get to see those, GM said yes.
Sign Bylaw Update
There was no new business to report regarding the sign bylaw update.
KS read through the letters, including the CPTC workshop flyer which lists a number of workshops in the fall and winter. He also read and discussed a letter from the Wynden Hill Condominium Association. The letter identified issues ongoing with an abutter at 212 Old Stockbridge Road who had clear-cut much of their property and constructed a barn. The property is split between Lenox and Stockbridge.
GM stated she had read the letter and written a response: the barn, in Lenox, had a building permit; the buffer area around Lily Pond is in Stockbridge; she provided information from the zoning bylaw regarding potential future uses.
Old Business
  • Planning Board Vacancy
GM noted she had received an inquiry from Kris Kennedy.
  • BRPC Reports: Age Friendly Communities and Young Adult Survey
TD said he found these reports to be very interesting and startling. KS asked to have it put on the next meeting’s agenda so the board could discuss both reports in depth.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.