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Planning Board Minutes, 06/09/2015
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
June 9, 2015
Landuse Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kameron Spaulding, (KS); Mark S. Smith, (MS); Tom Delasco, (TD); Kate McNulty-Vaughan, (KMV)
Staff present:  Gwen Miller, Land Use Director/Town Planner, (GM); Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, (PA)

Approve Minutes-May 26, 2015: MS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. TD seconded the motion.  The Board voted to agree 4-0.  

BRPC Update- MS shared the following that had been discussed at a recent BRPC meeting:
  • BRPC does not have the time or resources to research the Kinder Morgan pipeline, but they will be involved in the environmental review.
  • Different routes for the pipeline were discussed including the possibility of running along I-90.
  • BRPC hired an attorney and engineer  to prepare the “ABCs of pipeline permitting recommendations for Boards of Selectmen, Conservation Commissions and Planning Boards.
  • Clete Kus, the manager for the transportation planning program, discussed the program for FY 2016 through FY 2019.  Walker Street surfacing is on the list for after 2019.  A project will soon be undertaken for an extension of the turning lane/traffic signal device at the intersection of Routes 7&20.  
  • Doug Plachcinski, the lead staff person for transportation planning efforts provided a power point presentation of the regional transportation plan.  
  • Mark Maloy, who manages the Geographic Information System (GIS) identified parcels of at least 3 acres zoned both commercial and industrial for the purposes of communities to be able to market properties for development.  It was noted that most of these properties did not have high speed internet or infrastructure.  
  • The budget was approved for FY 2016 unanimously.
  • The slate of officers has remained unchanged.
  • The executive committee actions were approved unanimously.
  • The DLTA revenue, which allows staff to work directly with municipalities, is under fire again from the Senate and everyone was asked to contact State Senator Ben Downing.
KS and GM advised the others that they have arranged to send out postcard invitations to homeowners for the Open Space and Recreation Plan kickoff event that is scheduled for June 16th at 7:00 PM in the auditorium.   The presentation will include a slide show and an update of what has been implemented and grants etc.  The goal is to seek input from the public on priorities.  Following the presentation committee members will be interspersed among the crowd to be available to answer questions.  Sign-up sheets for various projects will be available for individuals who would like to become a part of a group to assist with those projects.  It is hoped that the event will draw as many as 200 people.

Village Center Parking Overlay District- At the May 26th meeting it was agreed that each member would review the current draft and present tonight any comments or concerns they may have.  KMV brought to the Board her notes.  Also, GM provided to the Board a comparison table she prepared of communities similar in size and character of Lenox that would show how they have addressed parking through their zoning bylaws.  GM reviewed the detail. As a management approach, some communities have a payment in lieu of providing parking, with the intent being to use the funds to create public parking.  KS pointed out that the reason he liked the proposed parking bylaw was that it eliminated barriers of entry into the District for a new business.  This, he feels, would be a hindrance to a new business.  Recently he was provided information supplied by the Chamber of Commerce in which it was stated that the average small town “Main Street” business in America has an annual operating budget of under $150,000.00 and to have a payment in lieu of provided parking places an enormous burden on one who wants to do business in the District.  He looks at such a fee as a punishment.  TD pointed out that there would be no advantage in charging this fee as there isn’t space for building a municipal lot.
KMV questioned the communities that were used in the comparison chart as she felt that many were substantially larger than Lenox.  KS pointed out that the communities of Lee and Great Barrington had physical footprints of their overlay districts much smaller than their commercial districts.  

The conversation turned to the idea of landowners providing parking.  KMV said that there are spaces on privately owned land and wondered how owners could be persuaded to be more cooperative in this effort because there is a lot of area that could be used and as it is it looks “junky”.  She suggested the Board determine what levers it has to engage with the business community on this question.  TD said that when he, KS and the Town Manager first started working on this bylaw, they discussed the potential of parking at Orebed Park and the Community Center as well as putting together an RFP for the Town to solicit property owners who might sell or lease property for municipal parking.  KS said that the response essentially was “no”. KMV feels that was at least a step and she added that the District community can’t expect the municipality to make it happen for them. Others must help.

KS pointed out that there are 5 or 6 landlords in the District who don’t own the businesses which occupy their properties.  Shop Lenox, a merchant group, wants to see a middle connection to walk between shops and have reached out to their landlords, but KS said that it has been to no avail.  He would like to work with property owners to find spots and make pedestrian friendly, but he restated his long held belief that there is not a massive parking problem in Lenox.  For those who argue there is a scarcity of parking in the District he offered to drive them around the District to prove that there is ample parking.  KMV suggested making a video of that and subsequently posting on the Town’s website.  

Using technology to illustrate the availability of parking in Lenox was discussed such as putting information on the website and creating an application on the Chamber of Commerce website.  KMV suggested street activities to reward people for parking.  KS asked that all review and type up their suggestions and send to GM.  Additionally KMV shared her notes. GM noted that parking signage had been ordered.

Sign Bylaw Update:  MS said that he and KMV have not met since the last Board meeting, but they will be meeting again on June 12th and it is expected that they would have a draft by early fall.  

Other business: GM said that the Town Manager would like for the Board to meet with the Selectboard for the purpose of appointing a planning board member to fill the unexpired vacancy.  The date agreed upon was July 8, 2015.

GM and KS talked briefly about the consultation with Judi Barrett of RKG Associates, in regards to the zoning bylaw remodification and how it will be approached.  GM said that Ms. Barrett has said that she would like to have a panel of experts and present a wholistic view of Lenox, i.e., where we are and where we want to go, and gauge the policy changes in which people would be most interested.  KS said that by tackling these changes first, and getting 4 or 5 through town meeting, progress would have been demonstrated when getting to the tough issues of the bylaw.

MS has agreed to continue as the Planning Board representative to the HDC for the time being.

MS made a motion to adjourn and TD seconded the motion.  The Board voted to agree 4-0 and adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola