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Planning Board Minutes, 07/14/2015
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
July 14, 2015
Landuse Meeting Room

Members present:  Acting Chair Mark S. Smith, (MS); Tom Delasco, (TD); Kate McNulty-Vaughan, (KMV)
Absent with notification: Kameron Spaulding
Staff present:  Gwen Miller, Land Use Director/Town Planner, (GM); Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, (PA)
Also present was Selectman Ken Fowler (KF).

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM.

Approve Minutes-
        July 8, 2015-TD made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  KMV seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 3-0.
        June 9, 2015-KMV made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  TD seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 3-0.

OSRP Action Plan Review-KMV noted that there is a broad range of projects that are within the OSRP and suggested that there be a plan for breaking it down into manageable parts, prioritize and then set goals for accomplishing. TD suggested that the Board focus on those items in which it is indicated that fall under the Board’s purview.  KMV noted that since the OSRP came about thru the Planning Board, she believed that the Board has a role to help the Town get action underway.  She felt that under the previous plan not much was accomplished and stated that the Board should commit to an annual review to see what had been accomplished.  GM suggested that one section to focus on would be subdivision regulation protection that falls under Section 9 Action Plan, G1 1.2.3. TD  suggested looking into G4 4.1.3 & 4.1.5 relating to the Great Estates and G8 which talked about accessing open space and neighborhoods on foot or by bicycle. He talked about the need to have more access between properties and fewer curb cuts on Routes 7 & 20.  

KMV asked about the results of the effort to find a dog park.  GM said that she had discussed with the Conservation Commission about a dog park at the property at Edith Wharton Park, where both Lee and Lenox have ownership, but the area is a bobolink habitat and there was concern regarding run-off into Laurel Lake.  KF pointed out that it is complicated trying to find appropriate property as it involves abutters and the impact of the use of land is a concern. For the park to function there would need to be a dedicated committee who would take responsibility for maintaining the park.  KF said that he would like to see a dog park at War Memorial Field.  An area near Baker’s Pond is also under consideration.  Whatever the location, it should be exclusively for a dog park.

It was decided that the Board will study the OSRP before the next meeting, find something to commit to and establish a way in which to have an active role in achieving goals.  

Village Center Parking Overlay District-KMV said that she had found that the materials supplied by GM that were available through Drop Box were interesting.  She stated that other communities have had the same issues and have managed to get people to use private spaces and more shared capacity. She encouraged the Board to commence discussion with building and parcel owners.   

KMV said that the Board did not follow the zoning bylaw directive on what to bring to Town Meeting in May, such as a map or a good explanation for the voters.  GM responded that hard copies of the proposed amendment and map were available to everyone who signed in at the Town Meeting and that KS did have a slide that he was prepared to present. KMV pointed out that the Zoning Bylaw Section 1.5 requirements were not met.  

A document, Village Center Parking Overlay District (VCPOD), was presented and reviewed by KMV.  In particular she discussed 5.1.23 Applicability.  She noted:
ADD: These provisions shall apply to the entirety of any parcel, whether the parcel is partially or entirely within the boundary of the VCPOD. (entire: whole)
ADD NEW & Re-number others, plus modify 5.1.26:
5.1.24 New Use or Change of Use: Any new use or change of use shall be subject to the provisions of 5.1.26.

TD queried the section numbers and it was determined that the numbers were incorrect.

Discussion ensued regarding these additions.  

It was decided to table this discussion until KS can participate.  GM said that Jeff Lynch wants to remain involved.  

GM noted the following:
        Signs in District identifying municipal parking: The new signage in the District was discussed and it was felt that it is highly visible and found to be helpful.  MS said that he was concerned about the sign in the crosswalk covering the crosswalk sign.  

        Parking study: Another item discussed briefly was that GM and Jen Delasco, a summer intern, were doing a study of parking spaces in the District during peak times.  There will be someone who will be doing the study on the weekend at both peak periods.  Part of the study will include number of parking citations that are issued.  

        Special Town Meeting: The Town Manager has been discussing the possibility of having a Special Town Meeting this fall and would like to have the VCPOD on the warrant.  Two town meetings a year is being considered.  TD said that he felt that the change noted above which states: “Any new use or change of use shall be subject to the provisions of 5.1.26.”  is more fair as no one would be getting a “free pass”.

It was agreed to keep this on the agenda for the next meeting.

Signs Bylaw Update-MS and KMV have been meeting and have started to write the language.  They took definitions and type of signs from the Dennis MA signing bylaw and split into two spread sheets for the Board to review.  One is sign by type and the other is possible list of definitions.  Discussion ensued and MS agreed to send to TD a copy of the Dennis sign bylaw and he will look into illuminated signs as requested by KF.  KMV said that she and MS are defining the various commercial zones and the characteristics of those zones.  This will be uses in determining appropriate types and sizes of signs. This project will continue.

Planning Board Seat Vacancy-It was agreed GM will have the vacancy posted on the website and included as a notice so that it will go out as an email to subscribers to the website. It has been announced at the Board of Selectmen’s meetings.

Old Business-KMV asked GM to update on the progress being made by Judy Barrett regarding the zoning bylaw.  Ms. Barrett had not gotten as far into the bylaw as she had hoped and wanted to change the direction.  After Town Meeting, town officials were disheartened by the failure of the parking bylaw change at the Annual Town Meeting in May and it was thought that due to the inability to have consensus on that matter it would be a good idea to reconsider the approach before spending a lot of money and time to revise the bylaw in terms of policy changes and not be successful at getting those changes approved.  GM said that current thinking is to do a better job at public outreach than was done with the parking bylaw, have a clear list of the Town’s larger policy questions that are highlighted by the zoning bylaw, and get the public’s feedback.  The idea would be to have an open house.  KMV spoke of her years of experience on the Planning Board in particular in the early 90’s when great effort was made but failed to pass at a town meeting.  She is in favor of an open house, but feels that there is a need for a really clear path of what the action is at the end.  

Reviewed Correspondence from Abutting Communities & BRPC-Of the various notices received, MS noted that one received from BRPC pointed out that he had attended 4 out of 8 BRPC meetings last year and that BRPC felt that it was important that there be a representative who can be active and participate.  It was agreed that this would be discussed at the next meeting.  

TD made a motion to adjourn, KMV seconded the motion and the Board voted to agree 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola