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Planning Board Minutes, 09/23/2014
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
September 23, 2014
Landuse Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kameron Spaulding, KS; Linda Messana, LM; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Tom Delasco, TD; Mark S. Smith, MS
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA
BOS Liaison present: Ken Fowler, (KF)

Approval Not Required Plans:  There were none

Zoning Changes:  KS said that he used this agenda item as a “place holder” as he felt that it would be best to wait until a Landuse Director is hired before moving forward on changes to the Bylaw.  He stated that there has been one round of interviews for the position.  KMV suggested the Board focus on proposed changes in the Use Table in addition to signs and parking.  Town Manager Chris Ketchen has held two meetings with some business owners regarding parking issues in the village.  KS understands the next step on parking will be recommendations to enforce the current bylaws or change them.  MS and KMV will look at their schedules so that they can resume their meetings to discuss signage.  KF said that Pittsfield has just received a grant for $500,000.00 to study parking and suggested the Board wait to see what develops as the result of their study which may provide some useful information.  He also suggested the Board read articles by Donald Shoup, a professor at the University of California, who has been referred to as the “parking guru”.  

Sign Bylaw:  LM said that the HDC is looking to the Planning Board to write a sign bylaw. The HDC feels that their Guidelines don’t match the HDC. KS noted that both the Zoning Bylaws and HDC are in conflict with the Guidelines.  A prime example of the lack of clarity is neon signs.  Discussion ensued on the need to address this item.  KF, who was on the HDC at the time the Guidelines were adopted, said that the HDC approval process was thought to be arbitrary and the Guidelines were to tighten up the process.  KMV felt that both the Board and the HDC should work separately on proposed changes and then bring their comments together to collaborate.  LM also said that the HDC is interested in a demolition bylaw.

BRPC Update:

Pipeline-TD told the Board that as the Lenox delegate to BRPC he attended a presentation on September 18th at Berkshire Community College by Kinder Morgan, the group proposing a gas pipeline through the Berkshires.  He found it very informative as to the process, providing maps, overviews, detail.  Kinder Morgan explained the process in determining the route which is expected to change due to variables.   The presentation drew many members of the public, but only delegates were allowed to ask questions.  A representative from the Conservation Law Foundation was present who explained the hearing process as Kinder Morgan goes through the process of getting necessary permits.   CLF stressed that all towns stay up to date on the process and to become involved.

Passenger Rail-MS said that a final presentation has been made for the proposed passenger rail from Pittsfield to Grand Central Station via Brewster, NY.  Sites for stations are being considered that will have convenient access by walking, biking and close to other public transportation and have sufficient parking.  It is anticipated that it would take three years to lay the track and the cost is estimated to be 200 million dollars.  The anticipated round trip cost would be $60.00.

Correspondence from Abutting Communities-Hearing notices were reviewed.

Approve Minutes-September 9, 2014: MS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. TD seconded the motion.  The Board voted to agree 4-0-1 LM abstained as she was not present at that meeting.  

Other business-
Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations Bylaw-KMV handed out drafts of the proposed bylaw and asked that the Board review.  She will be seeing that other committees/ boards and town departments get a copy and will request that any comments be forwarded to KS.  

CPTC Fall Workshop Series @ BRPC-KMV suggested to the Board that they consider attending.  Previously members were sent this information via email.

TD made a motion to adjourn.  LM seconded the motion.  The Board voted to adjourn 5-0 at 7:23 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola