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Planning Board Minutes, 07/14/2014
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
July 14, 2014 at 6pm
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present: Chairman Kameron Spaulding (KS); Tom Delasco (TD); Kate McNulty-Vaughan (KMV); Mark Smith (MS)
Members Absent: Linda Messana (LM) with notification
Staff present: None
Selectman Liaison: Not present

Meeting documents: July 14, 2014 Agenda; June 10, 2014 Minutes
Canyon Ranch ANR application and maps

Approval Not Required Plans:
John Campetti from Foresight Land Services presented an ANR request to establish a separate 5.8 acre parcel of land to be used for building condos (previously presented in December 2013). The lot currently is part of the Canyon Ranch property, but requires separation from the remainder of the property for financing and ownership purposes. The separated lot will have 250.1 feet of frontage on Kemble Street. MS asked whether the lot would meet the minimum lot size at the building setback. Discussion and a scan of the map assured members that it would be adequate at 35’ from the street line. After discussion of ANR requirements:

MS moved to accept the site plan and endorse the ANR as presented. TD seconded the motion, and the Board voted 4-0 in favor of this application.

Mr. Campetti will contact Land Use clerk Peggy Ammendola with a check for the fee and the application materials tomorrow (July 15).

Chairman Spaulding noted that he had spoken with Town Mgr. Chris Ketchen about funds held over from the Planning Bd. FY 2014 budget available to hire a consultant to assist with much discussed zoning changes related to parking issues, and dimensional requirements, signage, the Table of Uses, et al.

Town Planner Update:
Spaulding informed the Board that the town would be hiring a full-time planner in the near future, and once the Board and Planner settled on a scope of work, the RFP process could begin. KS encouraged Board members to consider what parts of the bylaw need work, are confusing or contradictory.

MS and KMV will get together an outline of sign section changes – more graphic examples, clearer language and dimensional formats to guide future sign discussion. KS, noting that the BOS and Pl. Bd. may have different issues in mind, will meet with TD and Town Mgr. Ketchen and look at parking problems in general.

KS also spoke with the Town Manager about the Board’s concern with follow through on implementing a new bylaw section and changes resulting from the Corridor Study undertaken with Pittsfield. Tn. Mgr. Ketchen and the BOS are interested in seeing that work completed as well.

BRPC Update:
MS reported on several Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) initiatives: overall support of Zoning Reform, and regional meetings underway to select the best sites for future passenger rail depots. TD provided the Board with information and his insight on the viability and barriers to the resumption of inter-state passenger rail service.

Abutting Community News
Elm Court
KS summarized the recent Stockbridge BOS meeting and public hearing discussion of the development of Elm Court under their Cottage Era bylaw. KS noted that the frontage and access to the property on Old Stockbridge Road are in Lenox, but that there did not seem to be any recognition of the regulatory role Lenox holds. Members TD and MS also focused on the infrastructure questions – sewer and water connections to Lenox and traffic flow into Lenox converging at the Monument. KS noted that the Lenox BOS would be discussing this at their Wednesday meeting and he would convey Lenox Pl Bd. concerns.

Old Business: Medical Marijuana
KS reported that the state had pulled back the only permit for Berkshire County from Pittsfield, so the Bd. has presumably more time to work on an applicable new bylaw regulating sites, etc.

The former Eastover Resort has made an application for an onsite sewage and disposal system. Detailed plans have arrived for permitting purposes.

Minutes: June 10, 2014
TD moved to approve the Minutes of June 10 as amended; MS seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve (4-0).

TD will try to attend the next meeting of the BRPC with MS, and possibly take over Gary Schiff’s back-up role representing the Town of Lenox.

TD moved to adjourn the meeting at 8pm, MS seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned by consensus.

Respectfully submitted,
Kate McNulty-Vaughan