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Planning Board Minutes, 04/22/2014
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
April 22, 2014
Landuse Meeting Room
Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Mark S. Smith, MS; Kameron Spaulding, KS
Staff present: None
Also in attendance: Jim Biancola (Historic Markers Project); Tn. Mgr. Chris Ketchen (part of mtg.)
Approval Not Required Plans:

a). Land Surveyor Pat McColgan presented an ANR request and map on behalf of Chris and Veronica Fenton for property at 38 Taconic Ave. (R-15 zoning district).


Mark Smith (MS) moved to approve the plan as presented; Kameron Spaulding (KS) seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0 to approve the plan for 38 Taconic Ave. as presented by Mr. McColgan.


b).. Land Surveyor Pat McColgan presented an ANR request and map on behalf of property owner Wayne McCormick for property at 383 and 391 East St. (R-1A zoning district).


KS moved to approve the plan as presented; MS seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0 to approve the plan for property at 383 and 391 East St.


Lenox Historical Commission - Historic House Markers:

Jim Biancola updated the Board on his interpretation of MA Chap. 40C Historic Districts, Section 8b, and his conversation with Chris Skelly from Ma Historic. He reiterated Lenox HDC Chair Jason Berger’s stance on the issue of Historic Marker signage and reliance on an opinion from previous Town Counsel Fredericka McCarthy on sign control. JB differs from Berger on whether 8b (copied into the Lenox Historic Bylaw as 3.3.d) can apply to the new Historic Markers. The Lenox HDC has scheduled a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 20, for discussion of the Historic Markers and approval. Kameron Spaulding will attend this meeting, representing the Planning Bd.


Town Planner Job Description:

New Town Manager Chris Ketchen arrived to get the Board’s input on finding the right person to replace former Town Planner Mary Albertson. MS emphasized the town planner’s role as a strong, knowledgeable resource for planning and other boards, and asked whether the search would be for someone with economic development management skills, as well. Town Mgr. Ketchen noted that there was some interest in redefining the position, looking at candidates with background that might lend itself to combining services into a Land Use Director position. The Board expects to continue to discuss fundamental needs for procedural assistance, land use expertise, clerical back-up, etc. in collaboration with the BOS and other boards and committees who relied on the services of the Town Planner.

Warrant Article – Explanations:

Each of the 4 articles and explanations were discussed. KM-V will rework and make further edits to the explanations for Town Meeting.


The Board made a decision to Table Warrant Article 22 after KM-V spoke of concerns raised in a conversation she had with DPW Supt. Sean VanDeusen. MS will contact Shawn Leary Considine (ZBA) for additional discussion of that article.



Trancynger Map 7 Parcel 10 (106 Old Stockbridge Rd.) Preliminary Discussion:

After consulting DPW Supt. VanDeusen, KM-V discussed the driveway situation with the Board, and actions that could be taken by the ZBA to solve the safety problem.


Planning Board Recommendation to Town Boards and Commissions- There were none.


Reviewed Correspondence from Abutting Communities


Minutes-April 8, 2014-The Planning Bd. will did not act on those Minutes.


Open Session-

MS made a motion to adjourn, seconded by KS. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Kate McNulty-Vaughan