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Planning Board Minutes, 02/11/2014
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
February 11 2014
Landuse Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Mark S. Smith, MS; Gary Schiff, GS; Kameron Spaulding, KS
Absent without notification:  Steve Sample, SS
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA; Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA
Approval Not Required Plans Subdivision Plans and Definitive Subdivision Plan-There were none.
Definitive Subdivision Hearing - Lenox Gateway, LLC/LD Associates Inc. – Lenox Woods South, 55 Pittsfield Road Map 17 Parcel 40-At the January 18th meeting, the Planning Board approved the Definitive Subdivision Plan for this development and the decision was filed with the Town Clerk.  The 20 day appeal period has passed; therefore the Board agreed to sign the Mylar presented tonight by Jim Seidl of SK Design Group.   Mr. Seidl was advised to have the plan recorded at the Registry of Deeds.
Lenox Historical Commission–Historic House Markers- Present was Jim Biancola.  Reference was made to a document Suggested Changes on Zoning which had been provided at the last meeting for the Board to review.   Mr. Biancola told the Board, that in 2010, Building Commissioner Bill Thornton approved the Historic Markers because Mr. Thornton did not consider them to be signs, but now regards them as such. The Cambridge, MA Zoning Bylaw § 7.16.11 was discussed.  Discussion ensued regarding sign definitions, in particular signs, plaques and markers and the consideration of adding an amendment to our zoning bylaw, § 5.2.4.    KMV believes that a “plaque” may be a type of sign which permits more detail.   Mr. Biancola believes that the Lenox Zoning Bylaw definition of a sign is too broad.  MA asked the Board about wording the legal notice as time is running short leading up to the Annual Town Meeting.   Discussion ensued and the Board decided on details which included, but not limited to, that up to three entities would be in on the decision process.   The Historical Commission would be the primary authority, but if the marker was on a public building, the Board of Selectmen would have to approve, and if the building was in the Historic District, the Historic District Commission would be involved.  MA will compose a notice.   
Discuss Potential Zoning Amendments for Town Meeting-It was decided that “housekeeping items” should only be brought to the Annual Town Meeting and those items would be:
  • Flag poles by right
  • Define habitable floor area
  • Clarify the application of the parking facility design standard
  • Gateway Overlay District-The Planning Board is listed as the site plan review authority, but there is no reference to what site plan criteria the Board should use.
  • Amend the Zoning Map to show that the property located on Pittsfield Road identified as Lenox Assessor’s Map 27-Lot 51 is zoned C-1A.  
It was felt that the proposed amendments to the sign bylaw are too complicated and should be brought to a Special Town Meeting, possibly next fall.   Solar, another project worked on by the Board, will also be reserved for a Special Town Meeting.  

KMV asked MA to go through the Zoning Bylaw and “word search” the term habitable to be sure it was deleted.  Discussion ensued regarding this reference and the use of gross floor area instead.  It was agreed that “gross floor area” be used, but MA will discuss with Bill Thornton, Building Commissioner, and if he is in agreement, the Board will go with that.  If not, the Board will resume discussion.  

Approve Minutes:
        January 14, 2014- GS made a motion to approve the minutes as presented.  KS seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 4-0.  
        January 28, 2014- GS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.   KS seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 4-0.

GS suggested that the approved minutes be submitted to the sitting members of the ZBA prior to their continued meeting related to the Marriott scheduled for tomorrow, February 12, 2014.  PA will do this.   

KS made a motion to adjourn.  GS seconded the motion and the Board voted to agree.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.   

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola