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Planning Board Minutes, 11/26/2013
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
November 26, 2013
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Steve Sample, SS; Mark S. Smith, MS; Gary Schiff, GS
Absent without notification:  Kameron Spaulding, KS
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA; Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

Approval Not Required Plans-There were none.

Discuss Spring Lawn Presentation – Potential Recommendation

On November 12, 2013, the Planning Board had an informal meeting to hear the presentation of a Special Permit application filed by Lenox, Spring Lawn GP, LLC for the property located at 10 Kemble St, Map 7 Parcel 22-5. In the past, for large projects,~applicants would have their projects reviewed by the Planning Board, an advisory board to the ZBA.  The Board would then follow up by submitting to the ZBA, the permit granting authority, a letter of recommendation prior to the public hearing before the ZBA.    In this case, the Board did not discuss whether or not to write a letter, largely due to an oversight.  The ZBA will hear the Spring Lawn application on December 4, 2013, and the Jurneys have requested that the Board write a letter of recommendation.  

Present were James and Gwen Jurney and their son.  

KMV opened the discussion on whether the Board agreed to write the letter.  Discussion ensued regarding details of the application, including but not limited to screening of parking, building mass related to the new construction, and Historic Preservation/Conservation Restrictions.  

MA made it clear that some details are not in the plan as the applicants want a broad overall approval from the ZBA so they can proceed.  Mr. Jurney explained that this is a master plan and the applicants are asking for a conceptual agreement. The first phase is dealing with the mansion and carriage house.  DCR will be coming to the property to meet with the Jurneys on December 3rd, the day before this petition is heard by the ZBA.  A more detailed plan will be required and approved by DCR.  

GS had questions regarding the location of the new construction for the additional units.  Mr. Jurney said that the buildable area is restricted due in part to ledges and wetlands.  Discussion ensued regarding marketing and overall concept of the proposed project.  

KMV stated the ZBA normally would want to have a certain amount of a project “nailed down” and thinks they would be reluctant to give approval to an overall master plan.  

SS, the longest standing member of the Planning Board, assured the Board that it has been a routine procedure for the Planning Board to review larger projects and write letters of recommendation to the Zoning Board before the applicants presented to the Zoning Board.  He used the example of Cranwell Resort.  He said that as they developed their property, they came before the Boards nine to ten times to present phases of development. Initially proposing a multi-story hotel and later changing their plans to build condominiums instead.   

KMV concluded that the Planning Board does not need to go into the detail, as that is the responsibility of the ZBA.  

MA clarified that the applicants have met the requirement under the Great Estates bylaw which requires a preliminary site development plan showing the existing streets, driveways, parking and recreational areas.   

SS made a motion to make a recommendation to the ZBA stating that the Planning Board believes this is a good project for the Town of Lenox, the overall concept is good, that they believe the ZBA will make the appropriate decisions on the Special Permits, and will keep in mind the historic value of the property and the agreement with DCR.
GS seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 4-0.
SS requested to rephrase the motion to which the Board agreed.
SS made the motion that the Board write a letter endorsing the project as the overall concept is appropriate to the site plan and is sensitive to the historic restriction and DCR requirements and that the ZBA will do due diligence when reviewing the phase details.  
GS suggested the first motion be formally withdrawn before voting on the second motion.
MS made a motion to withdraw the first motion and GS seconded the motion.  The Board voted to agree 4-0.  

GS seconded the motion and the Board voted to agree 4-0.  

KMV complimented the Jurneys by saying their presentations were excellent and that she was impressed with their attentiveness to the concerns raised by the questioners at the November 12th meeting.   She mentioned that she had also attended the Historical Commissions review and felt there had been good discussion overall regarding the master plan and wished the Jurneys success with their concept.  

Mr. Jurney told the Board they may return to the Board as there is some thought about bringing the Westinghouse style street lights further down Kemble Street as it is very dark along the sidewalk.   This would be a component to their overall project but with the plan for matching funds.  There has been discussion with Jeff Vincent, Acting Co-Town Manager.  The Board stated that this does require review by the Zoning Board, but the DPW.  

MA will write the letter and email to the Board members for review.

Discuss Economic Development-There was nothing new to discuss.
Continued Discussion - Sign Regulations It was agreed the meeting to discuss the temporary signage on Routes 7 & 20 will be held on January 14th, instead of January 28th .
Planning Board Recommendations to Town Boards and Commissions-No recommendations
Reviewed Correspondence from Abutting Communities & BRPC-MS said that he was ill the night of the BRPC meeting; therefore he had nothing to report.  
Open Session (for Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance)
MA advised that on December 10th Attorney Phil Heller will be making an informal presentation on the proposed Marriott Hotel project at Brushwood Farm and proposed changes to the ongoing project at Canyon Ranch.
October 22, 2013-GS made a motion to approve the minutes and SS seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 4-0
November 12, 2013 GS made a motion to approve the minutes with an amendment to correct the date under Continued Discussion-Sign Regulations from January 24th to January 28th.  SS seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 4-0.   
SS made a motion to adjourn at 7:05 pm.  MS seconded the motion and the Board voted to adjourn 4-0.   
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola