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Planning Board Minutes, 04/23/2013
~Town of Lenox
Planning Board
April 23, 2013
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Mark S. Smith, MS; Steve Sample, SS; Kim Reopell Flynn, KRF
Absent with notification: Gary Schiff, GS
Selectmen present: Channing Gibson, CG; Ken Fowler, KF
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA; Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

Approval Not Required Plans: 10 Kemble LLC, Map 7 Parcel 22-5.

The Form A was presented by John M. Campetti of Foresight Land Services.

Also present were property owners, James and Gwen Jurney.

Mr. Campetti presented the drawings and told the Board that one line is being added that will create a conforming lot consisting of 1.34 acres with well over 300 feet of frontage.  The remaining property will be just under 29 acres.  

KRF came in during the presentation.

It was noted that there was a minor mistake on the plans regarding Schermerhorn Park.  Mr. Campetti said that he will return tomorrow with three corrected copies and Mylar for the Board to sign.     
KRF made a motion to approve with the stipulation that Schermerhorn Park will be correctly shown on the plans.  MS seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 4-0.

Discuss Sign Regulations-Sandwich Sign Bylaw for Town Meeting CG said that he will be making the presentation, but also suggested that Planning Board presence would be good too.  KMV indicated that she could be available also, and will speak with CG later.  

Update on the Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee.  MA said that a meeting is scheduled for May 7th but due to a printer error, she doesn’t have the plan yet therefore it may be rescheduled possibly to the second meeting in May.   

Update on the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) KMV said that the Committee met on April 22nd and that they are ready for the Annual Town Meeting.  

Discuss Solar Bylaw: MA provided copies of a model bylaw from the state and a document provided by Brian Domina that gives highlights of special exemptions and guidance on how to go about granting special permits.  The Board will review the handouts and after the town meeting will focus more on this matter.
CG added that there has been a major hold up in the Solarize Mass project for those who want to lease their systems as Aspen Solar can’t get financing for the leases.  The Town Manager is trying to resolve the issue.  

KF said that it has been learned that for the Town solar project, the panels are taxed.  It had been thought municipalities were exempt.  Broadway Electric, the owners of the array, would be paying the tax.  This detail will change the numbers in Article 24 on the Warrant.

SS left at 6:30 pm.  

CG said that Broadway Electric has had problems negotiating the interconnection agreements with National Grid and WMECO which has been disappointing.  The state wants renewable energy by 2020, but there is no incentive for the utilities to act and no one is applying pressure to make it work.

Discuss 7&20 Corridor Overlay Bylaw:  Nothing to report. There was a brief discussion about what impact the two proposed hotels would have on the corridor.  MA said that she felt the state would have some jurisdiction.  Both hotels would be located in Pittsfield, just beyond the town line. MS will get in touch with Brian Domina with BRPC to see if he has anything to report on an overlay bylaw as well as to discuss with him the Board’s concerns regarding the hotel project that is proposed at Dr. Lahey’s Garden Center.  

Discuss Economic Development: CG and KF said on April 22nd, the Board of Selectmen met to look at economic development more completely and to prepare a more strategic plan. All facets, i.e., tourism, business development and residential recruitment, will be a part.  They determined they need to gather information from various resources, including the Planning Board, Town Planner, Chamber of Commerce and Finance and have open discussions on how to proceed.  Professional input may be necessary to provide guidance.  KF told the Board that the Board of Selectmen will want to meet with them for discussion.

Planning Board Recommendations to Town Boards and Commissions: There was nothing.

Review Correspondence from Abutting Communities & BRPC

Minutes-April 9, 2013: KRF made a motion to approve the minutes with two minor edits.  MS seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve 3-0.   

KRF made a motion to adjourn and MS seconded the motion.  The Board voted to agree 3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola