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Planning Board Minutes, 08132013
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
August 13, 2013
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Steve Sample, SS; Mark S. Smith, MS
Absent with notification: Gary Schiff, GS
Staff present: Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

Also present was Kameron Spaulding, candidate for the vacant Planning Board position.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.  

Approval Not Required Plans-There were none.

Robert Akroyd – Continued Discussion re:  Chestnut Lane- Map 18 Lots 46, 47, 51, 52, 57, and 58.  Property owner is Macalin Realty Trust.

Representing Macalin Realty Trust were Rob Akroyd of Greylock Design Associates and Attorney Mitch Greenwald.  Mr. Akroyd offered a brief recap regarding the Chestnut Lane project.  He said that he met with the Board approximately one month ago.  Since that meeting, he has met with the Department of Public Work (DPW) and the Fire Department to discuss the proposed upgrades to Chestnut Lane.  

Mr. Akroyd’s first meeting was with the Sean Van Deusen, Richard Fuore and Jeff Vincent to address DPW questions and concerns.  The DPW staff members indicated that they were satisfied with the proposed 12 feet road width and gravel construction because Chestnut Lane is planned to remain as a private road.   The DPW does not maintain or plow private roads.   A curb cut permit will be required.  A six feet bituminous concrete “apron” is a required as part of the curb cut permit.  Mr. Fuore suggested that a fire hydrant be added at the intersection of Martha Lane and Chestnut Lane.  Town sewer is not available.

Mr. Akroyd’s second meeting was with Dan Clifford, Fire Chief.   Chief Clifford did not offer any comments regarding the proposed roadway width or materials.  Chief Clifford did suggest that he would like to see a “hammerhead” turn-around since this will be dead-end road.  Chief Clifford asked to review construction plans for the turn-around to ensure it can accommodate a fire truck and that the plans show road grades.  Chief Clifford would like to see the installation of the fire hydrant as suggested by Mr. Fuore.  Finally, Chief Clifford asked that the road be renamed to avoid confusion with the other section of Chestnut Lane that is already developed and is also a dead-end road

MA said she attended both meeting and believes Mr. Akroyd has presented an accurate account of the meetings.  MA asked Mr. Akroyd to clarify how many lots will be developed on Chestnut Lane.  Mr. Akroyd said his client – Macalin Realty Trust – proposes the development of two lots.  Mr. Akroyd is advocating for the development of the two lots owned by Macalin Realty Trust.  He pointed out that there is a third lot that is not owned by his client and could potentially be developed.  The Assessors’ records list Cynthia Arndt as the owner of the lot.  

KMV asked the members if they had any questions.  SS asked about wetland delineation.  Mr. Akroyd said he has flagged the wetlands and will file with the Conservation Commission.  He explained that the filing will address the reconstruction of the road.  The development of each lot will require individual filings with the Conservation Commission prior to obtaining a building permit.  

The consensus of the Board was that Mr. Akroyd should proceed to the next phase of the project by filing with the Conservation Commission and preparing road construction plans.  

Discuss Planning Board Vacancy and Meeting Schedule- KMV said that Kameron Spaulding has applied for the vacant position and he is in the audience this evening.  Mr. Spaulding offered a brief overview regarding his application.  The consensus of the Board was to act on Mr. Spaulding’s application as soon as possible.  MA said the next Board of Selectmen (BoS) meeting is August 21, 2013.  MA will coordinate a joint meeting between the BoS and the Board with Mary Ellen Deming, Acting Town Manager.  If the BoS cannot conduct a joint meeting on August 21st, MA will suggest August 27th as an alternative date.  As soon as she has confirmation, MA will notify members regarding the meeting date.  

Discuss Sign Regulations-KMV said that there have been no sub-committee meetings since the last report to the Board.  The next sub-committee meeting will be August 14, 2013 @ 9:30 AM.  

Update on the Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee-KMV said she did not attend the last OSRPC meeting and asked MA to offer an update. MA said that the discussion regarding the organization of a land management committee continued.  The Conservation Commission has voiced some concern regarding the proposed committee.  MA will attend the August 15, 2013 Conservation Commission meeting to discuss the draft OSRP.  The BoS has indicated that they will meet with the Conservation Commission prior to creating a new committee.  

Discuss Solar Bylaw Model & Medical Marijuana Moratorium Model-650-MA said that she has been invited to attend a meeting on Thursday (8/15/13) to discuss permits for the Town’s solar installation project.  KMV suggested that the Board continue to review model bylaws for solar and medical marijuana.  

Discuss 7&20 Corridor Overlay Bylaw- There is nothing new.

Discuss Economic Development- MA said that last week she had the opportunity to invite John Connery, a fiscal impact consultant, to meet with a group of interested parties. Mr. Connery is based in the Boston area but was in the Berkshires for vacation.  She said she worked with Mr. Connery in other communities on the development of fiscal impact reports.  

KMV said she and GS attended the meeting along with Channing Gibson, BoS, Lucy Kennedy, Finance Committee and Joe Nejaime, Finance Committee.  KMV said that Mr. Connery offered some valuable insight on economic development.  He stressed that given the property tax structure, land use and the tax base are joined together.  Mr. Connery suggested that the Town conduct some preliminary visioning sessions prior to hiring a consultant. He encouraged the Town to look at regional efforts to enhance economic development opportunities.  Mr. Connery suggested that Lenox was too small to support an economic development coordinator position and suggested working with MA and the Planning Board.  He also stressed that economic development is community development and includes all land uses – residential, commercial and industrial.  

Planning Board Recommendations to Town Boards and Commissions-There were none.  
Reviewed Correspondence from Abutting Communities & BRPC – There were none.

July 9, 2013- Discussion ensued regarding corrections to the minutes.  SS made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections and MS seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved 3-0.

Open Session (for Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance)- No topics were discussed.  

SS made a motion to adjourn and MS seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM by a vote of 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Albertson