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Planning Board Minutes, 07/09/2013
                           Town of Lenox
Planning Board
July 9, 2013
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Steve Sample, SS; Mark S. Smith, MS
Absent with notification: Gary Schiff, GS
Selectmen present: Channing Gibson, CG
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA; Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

Also present was Tom Casey, reporter with Berkshire record.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.  

Approval Not Required Plans-There were none.

Robert Akroyd – Continued Discussion re:  Chestnut Lane- Map 18 Lots 46, 47, 51, 52, 57, and 58.  Property owner is Macalin Realty Trust.

The first discussion was on May 28th and led to a site visit and follow up meeting on June 11th.  Mr. Akroyd attended the site visit, but did not attend the meeting.  The discussion was continued to June 25th, but due to a lack of quorum was continued to tonight.

Representing Macalin Realty Trust were Rob Akroyd of Greylock Design Associates and Attorney Mitch Greenwald.  Mr. Akroyd provided a site plan and described his intended course of action to reconstruct a portion of Chestnut Lane.  His proposal would be to remove and take off site the existing bituminous pavement.  The roadbed would be re-graded, but the existing grade would be maintained.   Twelve inches of bank run gravel, compacted, would be topped with an additional six inches of processed gravel resulting in a twelve foot wide gravel road.  Underground utilities, electricity, cable and telephone, will be installed. The grass lined swale which intercepts water from the southern portion into an existing drainage ditch would also be reconstructed.   Mr. Akroyd said that this will potentially serve three lots-one existing lot and proposed Lots 1 and 2 which have valid perk tests.  The road would be approximately 350 feet long, taking it only as far as necessary to provide access to the lots, i.e., not a through street.  Mr. Akroyd stated that he intends to file a Form A and asked the Board, based on the information he has provided, if they could conceive of any reason they could not sign off on an ANR plan based on their intended course of action.   

MA expressed a concern that the proposed road bed material is not the same as the original material.  She suggested that the applicants consult with former DPW Superintendent, Jeff Vincent.  Other issues were the proposed width, access for emergency vehicles and where the nearest fire hydrant was located.      

Attorney Greenwald said that the Board has raised some issues, and while the concept of precedence may not be appropriate, there is a question of what constitutes adequacy and he hopes that what was considered adequate in other situations and the situation at the other end of Chestnut Lane will also be considered.  .  

KMV stated the Board would like to have some direction from the DPW and agreement on what would be an adequate, viable road and told the applicants to return before doing any construction and the Board will evaluate the proposed project.    KMV added that the Board does not require notification to abutters of an ANR, but indicated that it would eliminate the element of surprise.  Both Mr. Akroyd and Mr. Greenwald assured the Board that the abutters were very much aware because of conversations with them over the last three years and there had been litigation.  

In summary, Mr. Akroyd told the Board that he will file with the Conservation Commission as there are wetland issues, and at the same time will be working with MA, the DPW and Jeff Vincent to determine what width and material would be acceptable for the reconstruction of Chestnut Lane.  SS requested that the Fire Department also provide input.  Mr. Akroyd will then return to the Board with an updated, detailed drawing which will include the location of the fire hydrant, to review with the Board prior to reconstructing Chestnut Lane.  Once the road has been complete, the applicants will return to the Board with an ANR plan.   

Discuss Planning Board Vacancy and Meeting Schedule-The position still remains vacant.
The next meeting will be August 13, 2013.  

Discuss Sign Regulations-KMV, MS and MA met at the beginning of the month and spent time on temporary signs.  There was discussion regarding varying the size of signage whether on Routes 7 &20 or in the Village.  Discussion will continue on this topic.

Update on the Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee-KMV said that based on some of the goals listed in the Open Space Plan the subcommittee wants to get something out this summer some sort of map/brochure/handout which lists points of interest/destinations that are available within the community.  Work will continue on developing this.   

MA said that there has been a good deal of discussion on the creation of a land management board that would oversee land management.  This is listed as Goal #5 in the OSRP.  The various committees and departments, i.e., Parks and Recreation, Conservation Commission and Kennedy Park Committee would continue with their responsibilities, but this entity would oversee all of these areas.  The next meeting of OSRP will be meeting next week.

Discuss Solar Bylaw Model & Medical Marijuana Moratorium Model-650-MA said that when it is decided to have a special town meeting, there will be public hearings on both.  

Discuss 7&20 Corridor Overlay Bylaw- There is nothing new.

Discuss Economic Development-MA spoke to BOS about doing fiscal impact analysis and concept of “economic gardening”.  Sharon Hawkes of the library is interested and has met with MA to discuss further.  Discussion ensued related to development of a pamphlet similar to the one Dedham MA has which serves as a guide to those who wish to start a business.  MA said that Lenox has a Development Guidebook, but that it is dated and that it should be brought up to date. She added that this combined with a personal outreach such as she and Bill hosting one or two meetings a year with businesses at the library would be helpful.   KMV said that it would be good to include residents too, suggesting a meeting when summer residents can participate as they may also have questions.  

CG told the Board that the Chamber of Commerce is on the BOS’s agenda tomorrow to discuss their ideas on marketing what their strategic vision is for the town.  

Planning Board Recommendations to Town Boards and Commissions-There were none.  
Reviewed Correspondence from Abutting Communities & BRPC

April 23, 2013-Tabled
May 14, 2013-Tabled
May 28, 2013-SS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and MS seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved 3-0.
June 11, 2013-MS made a motion to approve the minutes with minor edits and SS seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved 3-0.   
June 25, 2013- MS made a motion to accept the minutes and seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved 3-0.

Open Session (for Topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance)-

Senior Tax Work-Off Program-KMV said that there is request from Cathy May of the Community Center to town departments who would like to take advantage of a the Senior Tax Work-Off Program whereby a senior who owns their home has an opportunity to work off property taxes of up to $1000.00 per year.  KMV asked that the Board keep in mind for possible projects.    

Housatonic RR-BRPC-MS gave an update on his most recent BRPC meeting in which Housatonic RR was present to discuss putting in new stations and asked what kind of facilities people would like to have for railroad stations.   Housatonic RR is proposing to replace all of their tracks and possibly putting in 3-4 stations between Pittsfield and CT.  They have been given a grant to study this possibility.    

SS made a motion to adjourn and MS seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 by a vote of 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola