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Planning Board Minutes, 11/27/2012
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
November 27, 2012
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Steve Sample, SS; Gary Schiff, GS; Kimberly Reopell Flynn, KRF
Absent with notification: Mark S. Smith, MS  
Selectman present: Channing Gibson, CG
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA; Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

Also present was Scott Laugenour.

Approval Not Required Plans-There were none.

Discuss citizen input from the Sandwich Board Sign Regulations Public Meeting-KMV commented that attendance at the November 13th meeting was sparse.  The Board will wait until MS is available to discuss the technical aspects regarding the footprint and dimensions.  MA has sent an inquiry to Town Counsel regarding who has the authority to issue permits for such signs, but as of this date has not had a response.   GS will write a statement of purpose.  
CG informed the Board that Electra Café on Pittsfield Road has applied to the Board of Selectmen for a sandwich board sign.  He asked the Board for their opinion of how they felt about the use of such signs in commercial zones.  The consensus was that sandwich board signs were more appropriate in the village and within pedestrian thoroughfares rather than on highways.   

Discuss Sign Regulations Relative to Window Displays and Temporary Signs-MA provided a handout dated 11/27/2012 entitled Planning board Discussion Document Window and other Temporary Signs.  Discussion ensued as to what constituted a sign, whether it is that which is printed on a window or if a display in a window could be considered a sign.  It was pointed out that the bylaw has defined display as a sign and the building inspector has looked at displays as signs. The Board agreed that a display is not a sign and that this needs to be clarified in the bylaw.   
There was lengthy discussion regarding the reference to twenty five percent of window space being permitted for signage.  Highlights of the discussion included:
  • Could a merchant use more than one sign in a window as long as no more than twenty five percent of the window was used?
  • What if a window was exceptionally large?
  • What about projected or illuminated images?
  • In the case of multiple windows, could more than one window be used for signage?
  • Can signage be in windows of floors above the first level?
  • Should coverage in a window be limited to twenty percent?
SS said that in the Historic District there are more restrictions regarding signage and that there should be a cross over document so that it is clear to business owners.  

There was a consensus that any and all windows be allowed by right up to 25 percent coverage and not counting as part of total.

SS will bring this up at the next HDC meeting

MA suggested that the Board revisit the Dennis MA sign bylaw which has a very clear approach and good graphics.  The Board agreed to look at this again as well as the Belchertown bylaw.  KMV commented that she felt that there was a risk with the Dennis bylaw as it is so specific.

Discuss the Open Space and Recreation Plan Project-MA said that John McNinch will be chairing this committee and there will be a meeting on January 10, 2013.

Discuss Solar Bylaw- There was nothing to add.

Discuss 7&20 Corridor Overlay Bylaw- There was nothing to add.

Discuss Economic Development-CG encouraged the Board to look at the zoning bylaw and see if anything needs to be changed to entice development, specifically the Gateway Overlay District regarding height restrictions and square footage allowed.  He also said that Realtors® should be encouraged to list their properties on the site locator which is a part of 1 Berkshire.  

Planning Board Recommendations to Town Boards and Commissions-There were none.

Review Correspondence from Abutting Communities & BRPC-These were reviewed.

Minutes-November 13, 2012-GS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  SS seconded the motion and the Board voted to agree 4-0.   

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola