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Planning Board Minutes, 02/28/2012

Town of Lenox
Planning Board
February 28, 2012
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Joseph A. Kellogg, JK; Vice Chair Steve Sample, SS Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Mark S. Smith, MS; and Gary Schiff, GS.

Staff present: Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. ~

Approval Not Required Plans:  No plans were submitted.

Sign Bylaw Amendments:  JK said he views this as a two phase project.  The first phase is to prepare new regulations for the village district with the second phase involving new regulations for the rest of the town.  The consensus of the Board was to create a new zoning overlay district for the village district which will be added to the Zoning Map and new regulations added to the Zoning Bylaws.  The new zoning district will mirror the Historic District.  

Discussion ensued regarding the idea of allowing signs based on area versus specifying a certain number of signs.  The Board also discussed excluding temporary signs, directory signs, menu signs, window displays and painted window signs from the sign area calculation.  It was noted that sandwich signs should be made of wood as they are sturdier and more in keeping with the village aesthetics.   

SS said that the Historic District Commission (HDC) met last week and discussed the multi-sign concept.  He reported that the HDC has concerns about the multi-sign concept and want to be involved in the approval process of every sign.  JK said that an important part of this project is the development of a “sign guidebook” which will allow the HDC to be out of the day-to-day sign approval process.  All signs must be consistent with a detailed set of guidelines to be developed jointly with the HDC in order to streamline the review.  JK referenced the comments offered at the public information meetings where it was clear that the business owners want an easier process for obtaining sign permits.  The idea is to allow for reasonable signage that can be permitted through an application to the Building Commissioner.  SS said the HDC wants to be involved on a case by case basis.  JK feels that government must respond to the needs of the business owners.  KMV said that the Board needs to listen to SS because the HDC must support the “sign guidebook” concept if it is to be successful.  The Board can address zoning but the HDC has jurisdiction regarding the Historic District Bylaw.  The Board and HDC need to be in agreement.  JK suggested that MA organize a meeting between the HDC, the Board of Selectmen and the Board as soon as possible in order to try and reach consensus before we continue with this project.    

Economic Development Plan:  JK said he attended the meeting with the Lee Community Development Corporation (CDC) on February17th.  The purpose of the meeting was to determine if the CDC could provide assistance to Lenox on our economic development efforts.  JK said he had advised that the Economic Development Plan first needs to be completed before the Town spends money to implement a strategy yet to be developed.  He noted that he had suggested that we could possibly use 5-10 hours of assistance from the CDC for the purpose of brainstorming on stratagies for the Economic Development Plan.  

Recommendations to Town Boards & Commissions:  No recommendations were requested.

Review Correspondence:   Decisions and notices of public hearings from abutting communities were reviewed.  JK said the BRPC is hosting a 5th Thursday Dinner on March 29th   with a topic of solar project permitting.  He asked members to notify MA if they wish to attend.  

Minutes:  GS made a motion to approve the minutes of February 14, 2012. ~KMV seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.  

Other Business:  The Board rescheduled the April 10, 2012 meeting to April 3, 2012.  

JK said the BOS is reviewing the need to form a committee to review current procedures for erecting memorials on Town owned property and has asked for a Planning Board representative.   JK volunteered to serve in this capacity.    

GS made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm. ~SS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve. ~

Respectfully submitted,   

Mary Albertson