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Planning Board Minutes, 02/14/2012

Town of Lenox
Planning Board
February 14, 2012
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Joseph A. Kellogg, JK; Vice Chair Steve Sample, SS Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Mark S. Smith, MS; and Gary Schiff, GS.

Staff present: Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm. ~

Approval Not Required Plans:  No plans were submitted.

Sign Bylaw Amendments:  JK opened by saying that the Board has discussed many aspects about what should be contained in a new sign bylaw and suggested the Board offer MA ideas to incorporate into a draft document.  It was noted that MA has prepared display boards containing photographs of the Historic District which were available to guide the discussion.  Board members agreed to include the following ideas in the draft:    
1.  Temporary signs - Allow one temporary sign per business. The sign can be a sandwich sign or a banner sign which may be displayed only during business hours.  If the sign is located on a sidewalk there must be room for a wheelchair to pass and must be removed if it interferes with snow removal.  The sign will require a permit from the Building Commissioner.  Government flags would be exempt.  
2.  Definition - Window displays of merchandise should not be considered signs.
3.  Projecting signs are a better fit for the village than freestanding signs.  Freestanding signs on public property should not be allowed unless the HDC and BOS grant approval.  
4.  Allow signs based on area versus specifying a certain number of signs.  Let the business owner determine how the sign area is distributed.
5.  Signs should not hide or detract from the architectural detail of the building.
6.  Directory signs should be allowed with a review process.  The sign must have a replacement system to allow for information change.  
7.  Signs should be externally lit.  Internally lit signs will require Historic District Commission (HDC) approval.
8.  Allow for repair and replacement of signs that remain the same as a by-right use.  
9.  Develop a fee schedule with the Building Commissioner.  
10. All signs must be consistent with a detailed set of guidelines to be developed jointly with the HDC in order to avoid an HDC review.

The Board discussed a tentative schedule for presenting the amendments and agreed that there is not enough time to receive meaningful input and still have a Special Town Meeting in April.  Discussion ensued and members agreed to set a tentative goal of bringing the proposals to a June Special Town Meeting.  The Board hopes to have a final draft by March 13 which can be discussed with the HDC and to conduct public informational meetings in April.  

Economic Development Plan:  JK said the Town Manager has invited the Board to attend a meeting with the Lee Community Development Corporation (CDC) on February17th at their office.  JK will attend.

Recommendations to Town Boards & Commissions:  No recommendations were requested.

Review Correspondence:   Decisions and notices of public hearings from abutting communities were reviewed.  

Minutes:  KMV made a motion to approve the minutes of January 24, 2012. ~MS seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-1 to approve.  GS abstained because he did not attend the meeting.

Other Business:  GS made a motion to approve the 2011 Report prepared by JK for inclusion in the Town’s Annual Report.  SS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.

JK and MS offered a brief report regarding the Board’s presentation to the Community Preservation Committee seeking funds for an update of the Open Space and Recreation Plan.

GS made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 pm. ~MS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve. ~

Respectfully submitted,   

Mary Albertson