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Planning Board Minutes, 11/30/2011

Town of Lenox
Planning Board
November 30, 2011
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Joseph A. Kellogg, JK; Vice Chair Steve Sample, SS; Gary Schiff, GS; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; and Mark S. Smith, MS.

Staff present: Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.  

Approval Not Required Plans:  No plans were submitted.

Site Plan Approval Waiver:  Attorney Lori Robbins, with her clients, David Ward and Mathew Ward, were present with a request for a waiver of Site Plan Approval under the provisions of Section 9.5.3.  They made a brief presentation of their proposed site plan modifications for Lenox Commons (a/k/a The Lenox Shops and Aspinwell) project which involved an approximately 800 square foot addition to building nine.  The modifications include the addition as well as the relocation of a previously approved building yet to be constructed.  David Ward explained that the addition is needed to accommodate the needs of a new tenant, Dr. Hyman, for an office that will meet his needs and ensure that his office remains in Lenox.  It was noted that Section 9.5.3 allows for a Site Plan Approval Waiver for additions that are less than 2,000 square feet.  Discussion ensued regarding the fact that the proposed addition is a minor change and clearly under the 2,000 square feet threshold.  GS made a motion to grant a Site Plan Approval Waiver.  SS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.  

Sign Bylaw Amendments:  The Board discussed the positive and negative aspects of allowing signs by-right versus special permit.  JK noted that the clear message from recent public information sessions is that business owners favor by-right signs not requiring a lengthy process. The Board also discussed the merits of allowing exceptions through the special permit process versus the variance process.  KMV said that she sees the need for a relief valve, however thinks  there needs to be some cap on the size and number of signs.  SS agreed with KMV and suggested that the Board consider limitations in these areas.  He also said the HDC needs to be part of the discussion and MA noted that she is still working with the HDC, to find a date for a joint meeting.  MA suggested that input from sign companies may be useful.  Members agreed. but GS cautioned that sign companies have a vested interest and we need to balance that interest with the overall needs of the Town.  KMV suggested the Board set a goal of completing a draft document by February.  All agreed that a site walk of the Village is needed and JK suggested we find a way to prepare illustrations to better explain proposed revisions.  MS offered to assist in the preparation.  JK suggested that illustrations should include a slide presentation for Town Meeting;  appropriately sized drawings to incorporate into the Zoning Bylaw;  and possibly a separate sign manual to illustrate the sign regulations for businesses located in the Village.  

CPC Application:   Board members agreed to authorize the submission of an application to the Community Preservation Committee for $20,000 to prepare an updated Open Space and Recreation Plan.  MA will work with JK on the application.  

Economic Development Plan:  There was no new information offered or discussed.

Recommendations to Town Boards & Commissions:  No recommendations were requested.  

Review Correspondence:   There was no new correspondence.       

Minutes:  GS made a motion to approve the minutes of November 22, 2011.  MS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.  

Other Business:  The Board discussed the December meeting schedule and, due to schedule conflicts with the regularly scheduled December 27 date, agreed to meet instead on December 19, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.  

MS said he has been attending BRPC meetings and will share information with the Board on a regular basis.   

GS made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 pm.  MS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.  

Respectfully submitted,   

Mary Albertson