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Planning Board Minutes, 09/27/2011

Town of Lenox
Planning Board
September 27, 2011
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Joseph A. Kellogg, JK; Vice Chair Steve Sample, SS; Gary Schiff, GS; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; and Mark S. Smith, MS.
Staff present: Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Approval Not Required Plans:  No plans were submitted.

Sign Bylaw Revisions:  JK said he had talked recently with Selectmen John McNinch and Ken Fowler regarding the need to revise the Sign Bylaw.  It was agreed the Board would conduct a review of the bylaw with substantial public participation, but no special committee needed to be established.  JK noted that the goal of the review would be to have revisions ready for voter consideration by the spring, however if the Board determined more work was needed, we would wait until it was completed and was responsive to public input.  The Board agreed that initial meetings on this project will be devoted to listening to public comment on concerns about the existing bylaw.  

October Meeting Schedule:  Due to schedule conflicts, Board members agreed to cancel the regularly scheduled October 25th meeting.  However, the Board will conduct two public input   sessions on October 11th and October 18th  at 7:00 PM.  A regular business meeting will be held on October 11th at 6:00 PM.  If necessary, the Board will also conduct a regular business meeting on October 18th at 6:00 PM.  MA will work with Ralph Petillo, Lenox Chamber of Commerce, to get an email invitation to the Chamber members.  The Berkshire Eagle and Berkshire Record will be contacted to write stories to get the word out about the meetings.  SS noted that October 18th is a regular meeting night for the Historic District Commission (HDC) and asked that they be invited to the public input session following their meeting.  JK asked MA to invite Bill Thornton, Building Commissioner, to attend both meetings.  

JK said comments have been received from Jim Biancolo regarding the sign regulations and passed out a summary of Mr. Biancolo’s comments, most of which were directed toward format and organization.  Discussion ensued on the best approach for presenting revisions to Town Meeting voters with an initial consensus that a complete replacement may offer the best solution.  

Recommendations to Town Boards & Commissions:  No recommendations were requested.  

Review Correspondence:  Decisions and notices of public hearings from abutting communities, as well as other correspondence were reviewed.     

Minutes:  GS made a motion to approve the minutes of September 13, 2011. ~SS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.  

Other Business:  

JK noted that it was his understanding the Economic Development Action Plan Steering Committee will be disbanded and a new tourism and marketing committee will take its place.  He suggested the Board focus its attention on signs in October and begin Economic Development planning efforts in November.  

JK reported that he and John McNinch have discussed the status of the Open Space Plan.  An update of the Plan is a top priority for Mr. McNinch and he would like to see Town properties such as Post Farm and Kennedy Park better utilized.  MA said the Town Manager has asked her to explore whether we could receive help from colleges and universities to determine if the update could be a student project.  She noted that there has been some initial interest from the UMASS Landscape Architecture program.  JK said this might be a good opportunity if the Town could possibly fund a consultant working with the students to update the plan and submit it to the State for approval, thereby making us eligible for open space grants.  Discussion ensued regarding the need for a Parks and Recreation Committee.  

GS made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm. ~MS seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0 to approve.

Respectfully submitted,   

Mary Albertson