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Planning Board Minutes, 09/09/2008
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
September 9, 2008
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present: Chair Joe Kellogg, JK; Ken Fowler, KF; Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V; Steve Sample, SS; Gary Schiff, GS
Staff present:  Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA; Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

Great Estates Zoning Bylaw Discussion:  Present were James Jurney Sr., Gwen Jurney, owners of Springlawn Mansion and Ethan Berg, owner of  Ethylwynde, both properties are listed as Great Estates.  MA explained that when the recodification of the Town Zoning bylaw process began last year Mark Bobrowski citing  a case in Stockbridge in which where there were no uses by right had  given a cautionary regarding the Great Estates Bylaw.  Both the Jurneys and the Bergs have received approval from the ZBA, but both decisions have been appealed by abutters.  The Jurneys wish to operate a small upscale resort at Springlawn and the Bergs would like to have a cultural retreat at Ethylwynde.  Both would like the Great Estates to have by right uses.

When the Great Estates Bylaw was written, some of the estates’ parcels were larger and have subsequently been subdivided and no longer meet the dimensional requirement of a 200 foot buffer to a property line.   The structures of Ethylwynde and Springlawn are in excess of 30,000 square feet and the only use permitted which does not require a 200 foot setback is a single family home.   It is not feasible that either of these properties would be used as a single family home.  MA stated that it is time to revisit this bylaw and consider allowing more uses that are by right.  There was discussion on how commercial uses of the estates could help preserve them while maintaining the architectural details.  

Suzanne Pelton of the Historical Commission was present.  She would like a bylaw that would preserve all of the buildings of the Gilded Age, not just those that are listed as Great Estates.  She referred to Ventfort Hall, which is not included on that list.

The Board accepted an invitation by the Jurneys and Mr. Berg to tour both estates.  The tour will take place on Wednesday, September 17, 2008, beginning at Springlawn, at 4:00 pm.  

The Board stated that they would like to have a late fall or early winter Special Town Meeting that will deal only with zoning amendments.  

August 26, 2008-SS made a motion to approve the minutes as edited by JK and KF seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 4-0-1.  GS abstained as he was not at that meeting.

Old Business
Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard wrote a letter to the Planning Board in which he commented on the re-codified Zoning Bylaw which was recently approved by the Attorney General.  The Board members were given copies for their review.

New Business
·       Public Works Economic Development Grant:  MA said that she is working with the
Town Manager on this grant which could bring additional money for the downtown village improvement.  
·       Trail Grant:  MA will be contacting DPW Superintendent Jeff Vincent to discuss a trail
grant for the Lenox portion of the Berkshire bike path.  

·       Community Preservation Committee:  JK updated the Board on this group’s discussions.
He stated that he feels that the CPC is leaning more toward setting aside a good portion of next year’s money for future projects.   He mentioned the Sawmill Brook project and said that there is an affordable housing pilot program being considered by the state that could benefit Sawmill Brook if local CPA funds were used.

·       Matthew E. Lane: Copies of a letter dated September 3, 2008 from Mr. Lane regarding
his property on Housatonic Street were provided to the Board members.  In his letter Mr. Lane expressed concerns about the Town Meeting eliminating an exception from the Zoning Bylaw that could allow him to divide his lot into two lots.  He is seeking suggestions from the Planning Board as to what his options are.   Board members noted that the referenced section had been eliminated on the recommendation of Mark Bobrowski to assure that our Zoning Bylaw complies with State law.

·       Village Improvement:  KM-V told MA that there is a need for informing the public on
what the plans are for the village.  She feels that changes that have been proposed are controversial.  MA explained that presently she is working on a grant application that would focus on a pathway in between Church and Main Street, not on traffic patterns.  The pathway proposal has been favorably received.  After the grant application package is submitted, MA said that she will be meeting with consultants to decide the next step for the downtown village and that another informational meeting with the public is planned for late Fall.

SS made a motion to adjourn.  KF seconded the motion.  The Board voted 5-0 to adjourn at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola