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Planning Board Minutes, 08/26/2008
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
August 26, 2008
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present: Chair Joe Kellogg, JK; Ken Fowler, KF; Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V; Steve Sample, SS;
Absent with notification: Gary Schiff, GS
Staff present:  Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA; Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

It was noted that Ken Fowler was appointed by the Board of Selectmen On July 30, 2008 to fill an unexpired term.

1.      ANR Plans
Elm Court Realty LLC, Map 3, portion of Parcel 3:  JK gave a brief overview of the ANR process to KF. Presenting the plan was Mary Ann Corcoran of Hill Engineers. Members discussed the fact that the property is located in Stockbridge and Lenox.  Ms. Corcoran explained the plan meets the standards for both communities.  Stockbridge has the more stringent frontage requirements.   Members determine that the plan met the criteria for ANR endorsement.  SS made a motion to approve the Form A and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 4-0.   

2.      Informal Discussion – Zoning Amendment Priorities for 2008
Members discussed the zoning amendment process. MA noted that Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard was unable to talk to the attorney general's office regarding their approval of our recent zoning bylaw amendments, but will have a formal letter to the Planning Board for the Board's Sept. 9th meeting.  Members would like to have a late fall - early winter special town meeting for zoning amendments.   Potential amendments include:  FAR Regulations, Inclusionary Zoning, Flexible Development Bylaw to replace current OSRD, and revisions to the Great Estates Bylaws.  MA also suggested that the Board review the existing zoning in the village.  Discussion ensued regarding the village improvement project.  MA will forward a copy to members of the power point presentation about the project.

3.      Minutes:
 SS made a motion to approve the minutes of July 22, 2008 and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 3-0-1.  KF abstained as he was not a member of the Board at that time.

4.      Old Business
JK said that he has reservations with the Open Space Plan as it is currently written.  The Board decided that the basic document needs additional work and possibly some more input before the plan is adopted.  Members agreed to have a meeting to work on the plan at which Jeff Vincent, DPW Superintendent, will be invited to participate.

5.      New Business:  
·       JK reviewed public notices and decisions from abutting towns.
·       Floor Area Ratio-JK said that he believes that there should be another public meeting to discuss this further.  It was suggested that Bill Thornton, Building Commissioner and Gerry Kelly of Walker Street be included in the discussion.  MA will work on scheduling a meeting.
·       Great Estates-MA will work on scheduling a meeting to discuss.

SS made a motion to adjourn.  KM-V seconded the motion.  The Board voted to adjourn at 7:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola