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Planning Board Minutes, 05/27/2008
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
Minutes - May 27, 2008

Members present:  Joe Kellogg (JK), Vice-Chair, Kate McNaulty-Vaughn (KMV), Steve Sample (SS) and Gary Schiff (GS).  Kim Reopell Flynn, Chair (KRF) was not present- with notice.
Also in attendance:  Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.  Peggy Ammendola was not present - with notice.

JK called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.  Action on the minutes was tabled to June 10, 2008.  There were no ANR plans submitted.    


JK explained that tonight the Board will discuss officers and appointments.  The Board needs to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair as well as representatives to the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission(BRPC), Historic District Commission (HDC), Affordable Housing Committee (AHC) and Community Preservation Committee (CPC).  KMV suggested that the members discuss the various commissions and committees and establish goals for next year.  Discussion ensued regarding the need for an elected Clerk and the consensus was that the Board would continue to have a Chair and Vice-Chair.  

JK noted that he enjoyed serving on the CPC and would like to remain on this committee but he would like to give up his position on the BRPC.  Currently,  GS is a member of the BRPC Finance Committee and he is interested in serving as the representative.  JK noted that BRPC is working on the administration of a significant Brownfields Grant, the state initiative to rewrite Chapter 40A and the formation of an Energy Collaborative.  SS said he would like to remain as the BRPC alternate.  It was noted that the alternate is appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  

KMV gave a brief update on the HDC and AHC.  She suggested that she will be willing to remain as representative to each.  

SS made a motion to nominate JK as Chair. KMV seconded. All voted in favor.  KMV made a motion to nominate SS as Vice - Chair. JK seconded. All voted in favor.  SS  made a motion to make the following appointments:  GS – BRPC Representative, KMV – HDC Representative, KMV – AHC Representative, JK - CPC Representative.  KMV seconded. All voted in favor.  KMV made a motion to ask the BOS to appoint SS as the BRPC alternate.  Seconded by GS.  All voted in favor.  MA will notify the Town Manager of the Board’s appointments.

JK suggested that the Board set aside time on each agenda, for the next few months, to solicit public comment on the various zoning amendment topics.  He asked that the Flexible Zoning Bylaw be scheduled for the June 10 meeting.  MA will notify the East Street neighborhood group and the Historical Commission.  She confirmed that the draft bylaw is on the town website.  She will bring the OSRD – Flexible Development Bylaw comparison chart to the June 10 meeting.  Future zoning topics include:  Floor Area Ratio Regulations, Form Based Zoning, Inclusionary Zoning and a meeting with the village business community.  JK suggested that MA consult with the Town Manager regarding visual presentation software and a shared color printer for the Assessors & Land Use Office.  

JK will contact the Town Clerk to determine if GS was sworn in the night of the election.  

At 6:55 PM, SS made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by KMV.  All voted in favor.   

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Albertson, Town Planner

Approved:  June 10, 2008