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Planning Board Minutes,01/22/2008
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
January 22, 2008
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present: Chair Kim Reopell Flynn, KRF; Steve Sample, SS; Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V
Members absent with notification: Joe Kellogg, JK
Absent without notification: Pam Mackie, PM;
Staff present:  Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA; Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

Jim Siedel, SK Design Associates, Form A, Berkshire Natural Resources Council Inc. George Jervas, Tamarack Ski.  The total parcel of land starts in Pittsfield and extends into Lenox.  That which is in Lenox is known as Map 31 Parcel 1.  The proposed Lenox parcel is known as Lot A on the plan submitted and consists of 49.464 acres.  It is not a building lot.  It will be conveyed to Berkshire Natural Resources and is to be used for conservation purposes.  The remaining Pittsfield land conforms to the Pittsfield Zoning requirements.  For the Pittsfield property, this plan was approved by the Pittsfield Community Development Board on January 15, 2008 under Approval Not Required.  SS made a motion to approve the plan as submitted and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 3-0.

6:15 PM Frank Newton, 81 Walker Street (Map 40, Parcel 25) The Gables, modification of a Special Permit under Sections 6.3, 6.6-1(A) (10), 9.3 and 9.4. to allow the construction of an additional condominium unit, bringing the total number of units to six (6). Continued from January 8, 2008.

This meeting was continued so that Mr. Newton could have the opportunity to provide a site plan for this project.  

The Board reviewed the site plan.  Mr. Newton also brought a map dated 1876 which shows that the original carriage house had a larger foot print in the area of the proposed six car garage.  The additional condominium unit will be on the second floor of the garage.  

SS expressed a concern about the close proximity of the garage and the pool house/green house. Mr. Newton prefers to keep it up, but if necessary to accommodate the garage, he will remove the pool house.  

SS made a motion to write a favorable letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals recommending that they endorse the proposed plan.  KM-V seconded the motion and the Board voted to approve.

MA will write the letter to the ZBA.

Zoning Bylaw Rewrite:  MA provided a draft proposed for the notification of an informal discussion to be presented by Mark Bobrowski on Feb. 7, 2008.  The notice will be mailed to the residents who had attended the Neighborhood Meetings last year. MA also provided a hand out to the Board members on the FAR provision that has been prepared by Joellyn Warren of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.  The Board will take home to review.

January 8, 2008 minutes:  The minutes were tabled because there was not a quorum to approve.

Associate Members for Planning Board:  Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40 A, Section 9 provides for Associate Members.  The Board discussed and it was generally agreed that it would be wise to have associate members.  The associate member can act only on a Special Permit. (The only Special Permit our Planning Board acts on is an OSRD.)  Their participation provides an opportunity for training in the event they are considering becoming a candidate for election.

KM-V made a motion to adjourn the meeting and SS seconded the motion.  The Board voted to agree to adjourn 3-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola (PA)