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Planning Board Minutes, 01/08/2008
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
January 8, 2008
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present: Acting Chair Joe Kellogg, JK; Pam Mackie, PM; Steve Sample, SS; Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V
Members absent with notification: Chair Kim Reopell Flynn, KRF
Staff present:  Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA; Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

6:15 PM Frank Newton, 81 Walker Street (Map 40, Parcel 25) The Gables, modification of a Special Permit under Sections 6.3, 6.6-1(A)(10), 9.3 and 9.4. to allow the construction of an additional condominium unit, bringing the total number of units to six (6).

Mr. Newton presented his application.  He explained to the Board that he had initially sought to have six condominiums but he was short by 2 feet on the east side of his structure.  As the work unfolded on the creation of the five condominium units, structural problems and extensive damage by carpenter ants was discovered.  To help recoup the unexpected additional expense of the project, Mr. Newton is asking for a modification of the 2005 Special Permit to allow for the construction of a sixth unit.  He is building a six car garage and the sixth condominium unit would be above the garage.  This sixth unit would be about 2500 square feet.  

The garage and additional unit would be built to resemble a carriage house matching The Gables with the same shingles and siding.  The Board felt that they would like to see a site plan sketch before making a formal motion.  Mr. Newton agreed to return to present a site plan.  The meeting was continued to Jan. 22, 2008 at 6:30 PM.
6:45 PM  Patrick McColgan, Form A, Mary Helen Nsandou, West Mountain Rd. and Lime Kiln Rd.

Mr. McColgan presented the Form A.  He told the Board that the lots marked numbers 1, 2 and 4 A would be transferred to Audubon and lots numbered 4 and 4 B are being combined to get the required frontage in the R1A zone.  Lot number 3 would not change.  

KM-V made a motion to approve the Form A and SS seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 4-0.

Other business:
·       Phil Heller regarding private wind turbines:  Mr. Heller requested to have a brief, informal discussion with the Board about a request he has received regarding the installation of a wind turbine for private use only.  He gave versions of a bill which is pending before the Massachusetts House of Representatives and a Zoning Bylaw in Westport, Massachusetts relative to wind turbines.  He is asking that the Planning Board develop a bylaw regulating private wind turbines and present to the voters of Lenox.  The Board suggested to Mr. Heller that there be a broader community discussion and aim for a presentation at the Annual Town Meeting in May of 2009. It was also suggested that he contact the Renewable Energy Committee.  
·       Minutes of December 11, 2008:  SS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Board voted to approve 3-0-1 with PM abstaining as she was not present at that meeting.  
·       Discussion of Zoning Project: MA urged that there be a public participation meeting the first week in February or no later than the second week in February.  JK stated that the previous participants in the neighborhood sessions should be notified of the date, if possible by mail and SS said that there should be a flyer posted in the Post Office in Lenox Dale.    Additionally the entire document should be available on the website.  The purpose is to engage the community in advance of the Town Meeting.

KM-V made a motion to adjourn and PM seconded the motion.  The Board voted to adjourn at 7:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola (PA)