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Planning Board Minutes, 02/27/2007
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
St. Helena’s Episcopal Church
February 27, 2007

Members present: Chair Kim Reopell Flynn, KRF; Steve Sample, SS; Joe Kellogg, JK; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Pam Mackie, PM (notified chair that arriving late).

Also in attendance was Town Planner Joellyn Warren and Greg Federspiel (GF), Town Manager who participated in the General Business meeting.

6:20 p.m. General Business and Minutes.

KRF asked the board if they would like to hear the petition of Daniel and Paula Almgren, Monument Nominee Trust, concerning property located at One West Street (Map 43, Parcel 14). JK stated that he is concerned about this property since it is an R-1A property that is being used for commercial use. JW noted that the petition relates only to the sign and not the use. SS stated that the Planning Board should not concern itself with minor petitions, such as signs, which take up a lot of time and distract from other business. Board agreed to allow the Zoning Board of Appeals hear the petition without a recommendation from the Planning Board.   

No minutes were available to review. Minutes from 1/30/07 could not be approved since PM was not present for start of business meeting.

JW updated the Board that the Lenox Historical Commission has drafted a final demolition delay bylaw for the Selectmen to consider placing on the warrant for Town Meeting. The Planning Board had previously agreed to be named in the Bylaw as the regulatory board.

The Board took up the discussion of possible zoning amendments for Town Meeting 2007. KRF stated that much of the reason for postponing the discussion from last meeting was to include SS, as he was not able attend the previous meeting. JK and GF asked that the Board prioritize the list. After much discussion the board agreed to postpone their discussion until after the neighborhood meeting to be held at 7:00 PM.   

The business meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m.

7:10 p.m. Neighborhood Meeting.

The Planning Board continued their meeting at St. Helena’s Church to hear from the residents of the New Lenox neighborhood. Many of the issues presented related to:
·       Current zoning is antiquated – now is the time for change
·       Balance open space protection with integration of new housing
·       New tools for proactive growth control measures
·       open space preservation, usable open space not just token open space
·       manage the size and design of residential development
·       frontage requirements are too small
·       identification of priority open space, preferably contiguous to existing open space
·       creation of greenway
·       need for affordable housing
·       inclusion of bike trails and other active recreation
·       desire to limit large houses on small lots in an area of moderately sized homes.  

Neighborhood meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

9:00 p.m. General Business Meeting (continued).
The Board continued the discussion on zoning amendments. SS stated that he is concerned about the timing of holding the hearings and having the items ready for town meeting. JK noted that there is more than two months still remaining until town meeting which should be enough time to review, hold hearings and present to Selectmen for the warrant. KRF added that she is still divided on whether this is a good town meeting to bring in zoning since it will compete with the Lenox Library discussions and votes. PM said that the board cannot predict what the agenda will be for each town meeting and why not bring them forward now and make a decision to withdrawal the night of town meeting. KMV stated that she still has questions about the amendments as presented. KRF noted that she too thought there needed to be more discussion and debate on proposed zoning amendments.

JK made a motion to request the Selectboard hold a special town meeting in Fall 2007 dedicated to zoning.  In return the Board would not bring zoning forward at the spring town meeting. In addition, the Board would actively seek more involvement from the community to get the needed attendance for a special town meeting. In addition, the Board would make a presentation at the spring town meeting to provide a town wide update of the neighborhood meetings and proposed zoning amendments. KMV seconded. All voted in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Minutes taken by Joellyn Warren, Town Planner.