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Planning Board Minutes, 10/24/2006

Town of Lenox
Planning Board
Land Use Meeting Room
October 24, 2006

Members present: Steve Sample (SS), Joe Kellogg (JK), Pam Mackie (PM), Kate McNulty-Vaughan (KM-V)

Members absent with notification:       Chair Kim Flynn (KF)

In the absence of KF, SS was acting Chair.

6:00 p.m. Gene Galvani, Form A., 38 High St., Map 44 Parcel 2:  Mr. Galvani, a surveyor, presented the application for Larry R. and Theresa Decker who own a home and property at 38 High Street, located in the R15 Zone.  The Deckers wanted to divide the land into two parcels, but were unable to do so because their lot size fell short of 30,000 square feet.  (15,000 square feet required for a lot in the R15 Zone.)  Edward and Marie Connelly, owners of abutting property, agreed to transfer to the Deckers a small portion of their lot (6 1/2 foot strip) to provide enough additional square footage to make up the shortage.  JK made a motion to approve the Form A and PM seconded the motion.  The Board approved 4-0.

6:05 p.m. Emil George, continued discussion regarding CVS.  Present were Attorney Emil George; Rob Antron of Gershwin Brown; Chuck Doherty of R. J. O'Connell and Associates, Inc.; Bill Fleming, William Fleming and Associates

Mr. Doherty presented a Site Plan for a proposed 12,900 square foot CVS building to be located between the Wagon Wheel and Howard Johnson motels on Pittsfield Road.  (Subject property is Map 50 Parcel 9, known as Knight’s Inn.)  Included would be a "drive up" for convenience of customers dropping off and picking up prescriptions.  Forty three parking places would be required by the Zoning By-Law, but 61 spaces would be provided with this plan.

The applicants recognize that there are a number of zoning issues with this lot for this proposal.  Mentioned were:
a) side yard requirement,
b) side yard parking of 30 feet required. Even with the 30 foot easement from Howard Johnson's, a variance would be needed.

JK asked if Howard Johnson's would have sufficient frontage if Howard Johnson’s agreed to grant a 30 foot easement.  Mr. George assumes sufficient frontage would remain, but would have to verify.  

Mr. Fleming discussed the landscape plan.  He said that plans call for a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs.  Plantings mentioned included spruce, white pines, red maples, honey locusts, rhododendrons and seasonal plantings.  It is hoped that many of the existing trees in the back would be saved with this project.  

JK stated that suggestions made at the August 22, 2006 meeting were not taken by the applicants and in fact the plan presented at this meeting “seems worse”.  The major concern is traffic and with two curb cuts and no traffic control, the existing situation becomes worse.  JK told the applicants that he feels that Mass Highway will not allow a left hand turn and urged them to speak with Mass Highway.
The drive up intersects a 50 foot residential setback which would require a variance.

JK also informed the applicants that Town Counsel has advised that the Lenox Zoning By-Law does not allow "drive-ups", and previous drive-ups do not set a precedent.  There are three existing bank drive-ups and one fast food drive-up in Lenox.

KM-V pointed out that the applicants would be asking for exceptions to almost everything and listed the following variances the applicants had mentioned at this meeting:
·       sign
·       residential set back
·       use
·       parking

The site plan shows dormers and a second floor.  Mr. Anton said that this second floor would be used for storage.

A lighting plan is not available at this time.

The applicants said that this is a very preliminary plan that is meant to be a "starting point" to gauge the board's priorities.

Parking, traffic, and the drive-through and means of egress and ingress are the major concerns of the Planning Board.  

Other business:  
The following minutes were submitted, but set aside for approval at the next meeting:
June 12
August 22
September 12
October 10

Nov 14 is the next scheduled Planning Board meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola