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Planning Board Minutes, 09/12/2006

Members Present: Chair Kim Flynn, Joe Kellogg, Pam Mackie, Kate McNulty-Vaughan, Steve Sample
Also in attendance: Joellyn Warren, Planner for the Town of Lenox.

At 6:30 pm the meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Flynn.

The Board approved Minutes of the meeting held on August 22, 2006 with three text amendments noted.  (Kellogg made the motion to approve, which was seconded by McNulty-Vaughan.)

The Board took up several organizational issues, engaging in discussion of
·       Planning Board meeting time;
·       Agenda format; and
·       Appointment of a member to the newly-formed Affordable Housing Committee.

The following organizational changes were agreed upon by the Board:

First, members of the Board agreed to a new meeting time – 6:00pm – with the proviso that Public Hearings would continue to be scheduled at 7pm to accommodate citizen participation.   The Board will  monitor public reaction to the change in meeting time and any negative impact on public involvement in meetings as result of the time change.

Next, the Board decided to modify the agenda by listing the order of business and applicants without a specific time noted for each on the schedule.  As a result, in situations where an applicant fails to appear, the meeting can continue its business in the order listed on the agenda without delay.  An estimated time  for each item of business will be listed on the agenda for planning purposes.

The Board moved to appoint member McNulty-Vaughan to the newly-formed Housing Affordability Committee, with Chairwoman Flynn designated as an alternate.  (Motion made by P. Mackie and seconded by S. Sample for appointment; motion to designated Flynn as alternate was made by Kellogg and seconded by KM-V.)

The Board was reminded of the upcoming “All Boards” meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 26, after the scheduled Planning Board Meeting for the same evening.

Francis WeLLINGTON: FORM A, Map 4 Parcel 68, Crystal St. (243-4904)

The Wellington parcel was identified as in the C District in Lenoxdale.  Division of the parcel into 2 lots was approved by the Planning Board based on the determination that the lots both met the frontage requirements of the district with adequate access to Crystal Street.  

Kellogg made the motion (seconded by KM-V), and the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the Form A, and signed–off on the appropriate documentation.  (It should be noted that the applicant’s check for the Form A – for $150 – exceeded the payment necessary ($125) and was to be replaced by a check for the correct amount the following day.)

ESSENCIALS DAY SPA:  Rte. 7 & 20, Map 22, Parcel 34  (Informal discussion)

Eiran Gazit, accompanied by Essencials Spa owner Kelly Wright, architect Harry Pisila, and Tyler Fairbanks (Berkshire Economic Development Corporation), presented an overview of ideas for redevelopment of the former motel converted into a business office center located on the Pittsfield/Lenox Road in District C-3A.  The site is 5.5 acres with one existing building.

Mr. Gazit indicated that the Spa has outgrown its current site, and that he and Ms. Wright hope to develop the Berkshire Information Systems building and site into a multi-use facility with the Spa serving as the “anchor” business.  The new site would accommodate the existing Spa services (massages, and other health and beauty services), but would also utilize one wing as a lodging area with 10 rooms for spa users.  There would also be an eating area with approximately 40 seats, used exclusively by spa guests and/or open to the public.  Other parts of the building could include a small gift shop, provide other types of treatments (chiropractor, acupuncturist, etc.) but not dental or medical treatments.

Mr. Gazit also suggested a number of uses for the outdoor areas on the site, including seasonal use as a site for weddings (which might use the lodging rooms available and the hair and makeup stylists onsite).  Other suggested outdoor uses included mini-golf or driving range or other small sport activity, a day nursery for the employees’ children, and perhaps some residential building(s).  

The ensuing discussion with members of the Planning Board focused on what uses might be allowable or acceptable in the C-3A District, and what uses might require Variances or Special Permitting and Site Plan Review by the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Mr. Pisila noted that the huge size of the existing building at 17,500 sq. ft. suggested a project presented as a Planned Unit Commercial Development (PUCD), but that would need a Variance (inadequate acreage).  Ms. Flynn raised concerns about public use of the dining area (restricted to guests or not) and the onsite daycare center.  Mr. Pisila considered these “ancillary” or secondary uses to the main Spa business activities.  Mr. Kellogg discussed traffic issues that might arise and the desire of highway planners to limit curbcuts and turn activity by restricting retail uses in that area of Rte. 7/20.  

Town Planner Warren commented on the “Mixed Use Development” idea characterizing this proposed redevelopment, but its difficulty in meeting various land use and space requirements.  While the proposal seemed to be a kind of small scale “resort” – the site was too small (at under 6 acres) to meet the Bylaw’s required minimum of 15 acres, and that there were problems working with the PUCD definitions and requirements as well.  She suggested that both Use and Dimensional Variances currently would be required to cover the plethora of uses suggested for this site, but that the Planning Board was in the process of considering changes to the C 1A and C3A Districts, if the proponents could await those decisions by the Board and Town.

Mr. Gazit noted the necessity to fill the building and use as much of the site as possible to balance its cost.  He also indicated that discussion with neighbors and abutting property owners had been generally positive.
Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Sample indicated that the resort/spa idea had merit, but that the existing bylaws presented some problems.  Planner Warren pointed out that personal service industry activities and Resorts are not allowed in the C-3A District, that these might be part of a Resort or PUCD package of activities on site, where some (including dining) would be ancillary to the lodging and other allowable activities by Special Permit or Variance.  Mr. Sample asked whether there might be additional buildings constructed on the site, and Mr. Gazit indicated that there might be new units of housing built.

Ms. Flynn noted that the ZBA would ask for specifics – concrete numbers, size of the seasonal weddings, etc.  Mr. Sample asked about whether a liquor license would be necessary.  Mr. Kellogg suggested that MASS Highway would require specific information about walkways and traffic patterns, and to consider possible shared access with Twelve Oaks.

Planning Board members expressed to Mr. Gazit their desire to see a more defined, detailed, and integrated plan with a cohesive vision or theme (“mini-medi-spa”?) pulling all the separate activities together.  While they understood his intent to utilize as much of the property as possible to meet financial goals, they suggested that working more on developing a vision, and figuring out what activities would fit together and enhance the overall plan for the site would be beneficial to his discussions with local boards and his eventual marketing.
Planner Warren commenced a discussion with the Board on strategies to gather input from residents on zoning issues which have been the subject of concern, and follow-up  the 2 “Our Town” Forums held in the spring and summer.  Ms. Warren has written a grant requesting funding to pursue discussion and information relevant to the increasing size of buildings in relation to lot size (“McMansions”).  Ms. Mackie suggested that meetings by neighborhood within zoning districts  -- held in the neighborhoods might be a useful approach.

Mr. Sample felt that the focus should be on residential areas and neighborhoods, and seeking neighborhood input to help in modifying districts.  Ms. Warren and the Board agreed that using town maps and orthophotos in discussions within defined “neighborhoods” would elicit useful comments for possible changes.  The P.B.goal is to use these neighborhood meetings, results from the Community Survey, and “Our Town” forums to develop zoning articles and not rush to Town Meeting in the spring with a haphazard collection of amendments to the bylaws.  Any zoning changes would go before the Town in September or October of 2007, hopefully with community input and support.

At the next All Boards meeting, Ms. Warren expects to discuss revisions to the Community Survey, and talk about the neighborhood meetings and districts.  Also on the agenda is discussion of the Community Preservation Act which is on the ballot in November.

Ms. Warren asked the Planning Board to formally approve the Open Space Action Map (as corrected). KM-V made the motion to approve, S. Sample seconded the motion, and the Board approved the Map by voting unanimously in favor.

Ms. McNulty-Vaughan mentioned a discussion with Town DPW head Jeff Vincent about the location of sidewalks (and abandoned ones), and the Board discussed the possibility of having maps of town water and sewer lines and sidewalks (current and projected) created for reference for the Board.

The Planning Board adjourned its meeting at 9pm.

These minutes were taken and submitted by Kate McNulty Vaughan