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Planning Board Minutes, 06/26/2006
Planning Board
June 26, 2006
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Kim Flynn, Steve Sample, Kate McNulty Vaughn, Pam Mackie

Toole Properties, Definitive Subdivision, Mollie Way, westerly side of Route 7 & 20, located in the C1A Zone, Map 33 Parcel 1.
(Kim did not participate as Phil Heller, her employer, represents Joe Toole.)
Presenting the plan was owner Joe Toole and Jim Scalise of SK Design.  Mr. Toole stated that in late 2005, a Form A was approved by the Planning Board for this property.  There is an existing subdivision plan that was granted to Fred Wilson, previous owner of the property, in 1969.  The plan was recorded in the Registry of Deeds.  There exists a road way, which continues into the interior of the acreage of this property, but over the years it has deteriorated as a result of beaver activity.  

Jim Scalise said that a cul-de-sac will be formed to create frontage for the building lot.  This is a one lot subdivision.  The roadway will have to be filled in with the max grade being 3.8 percent.  The project, a Hampton Inn, will utilize 6 acres with the remainder of the property being placed in a Conservation Restriction.

Neither the Conservation Commission nor Zoning Board of Appeals has given final approval.  Mr. Toole said that there is “good consensus” among the Conservation Commission, with minor changes.  The Zoning Board has asked for a finalized letter from the Fire Department.  That hearing has been continued until August 9, at 7:30 p.m.  There is a scheduled site visit by the Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m. on the same date.  

Mr. Toole stated that the details are being edited with regards to the Conservation Restriction.  He looks at the road as a continuation of the real estate that will provide public access to the restricted land.  This land abuts land owned by Audubon Society.  Someone will have to be the steward of the property and talks are going on with Mass Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.  Natural Heritage is pleased with the plan to conserve the land for the protection of endangered species of wildlife and plants.

Mr. Toole would like to clean up the signage between the business buildings and plan signage for the public access.  If necessary for permits, he will return at another time to discuss.  

Pam made a motion to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan known as Molly Way, property located on the west side of Highway 7 & 20approximately 400 feet from the intersection of Hwy 7 & 20 and Holmes Road and consisting of approximately 140 (+ or -) acres.  Kate seconded the motion and the Board approved 3-0.

Pam made a motion to close the public hearing and Kate seconded the motion.  The Board approved 3-0.

(Kim returned to the meeting.)
Other Business:
Members of the Board discussed public notices received from abutting towns.

Pam made a motion to approve reimbursement to Kim for a Berkshire Regional Planning Commission dinner and presentation.  Steve seconded the motion and the Board approved 4-0.

The Planning Board adjourned at 7:10 p.m. to join other Boards and Town authorities for the Quarterly All Boards meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola