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Marketing and Events Committee Minutes 12/19/2012
Events Committee Meeting
December 19, 2012

Present: ~Carl Pratt, Kim Reopell Flynn, Tony Simotes, Bob Romeo
Also:  Channing Gibson, Dave Roche, John McNinch, Ed Lane and Ken Fowler
Absent:  Lauryn Franzoni

Meeting called to order at 4:08 p.m.

1.      Minutes for August 23, September 6 and 26, 2012 were approved and November 21, 2012 was postponed.

2.      Committee reviewed draft lists of upcoming events for 2013 to determine where new events might be best scheduled.  KRF & CP both had lists.  Each was reviewed and then coordinated.  The group identified several events missing from both lists.  September seems to be especially saturated with events and the committee agreed we need to particularly focus on November, December, January, February, March, April and May.
KRF will contact Chamber for a list of their events and put together a comprehensive list for review at the next meeting.

3.      Events Committee then had a joint meeting with the Select Board to brainstorm and discuss the events coordinator position that the Events Committee has been discussing.  JM and EK opposed to Events Coordinator in that they feel there are too many issues regarding responsibilities, who person will answer to, etc. They do not feel town should be in the marketing business.  KRF and other members of the Events Committee explained that the idea is not for someone to market town, but to be the on the ground point person to co-ordinate with the event promoter to make the event a success. In the past, volunteers, such as KRF for the Cycling Classic and KF for the Berkshire British Car Show have been the coordinators and both stated with full time jobs and other town responsibilities, it is very difficult to focus and devote the necessary time to making an event a success. DR also pointed out that marketing and event coordination are two different things and we need to focus on events.  Suggestion was made to consider the position on a contract per event basis.  GF felt that the position needs to be a commitment by and to the town, with a three year contract to really see results.  CP and KRF agree.

4.  Old/New Business:  BR asked about status of a BID program.  

Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.